Title: Definition Specificaions? Opel astra H 1.4 Bosch ME7.6.2 0261208396 Post by: igicyber on February 20, 2011, 04:05:55 AM Is there smoe official sites (manufacturer I suppose) or some specifications with these definitions? Are there any kind of litereature about this?
I am interested particulary in Opel astra H 1.4 Bosch ME7.6.2 definitions! But the other are welcome too. Please notice that I am novice in this field with great will to learn ;) Best Regards, Cyber Title: Re: Definition Specificaions? Post by: Tony@NefMoto on February 21, 2011, 12:10:23 PM There is nothing official.
Title: Re: Definition Specificaions? 0261208396 Post by: igicyber on February 28, 2011, 01:11:11 PM Thanks Tony,
:( if someone then have unofficial map for the Astra H 1.4 Bosh ME7.6.2 0261208396 please send Best regrds to all, Igor |