
Technical => Cluster and Immobilizer => Topic started by: doug86 on June 06, 2013, 03:14:00 PM

Title: 2001 A6 4.2L immo questions
Post by: doug86 on June 06, 2013, 03:14:00 PM
I've been reading quite a bit on here and I just want a quick rundown on how this works.

Here's my situation, I have a 2001 a6 4.2L AWN engine with ecu code 4D0 907 558S. As my research shows this is an immobilizer II vehicle. I didn't get my ecu with my engine, and still don't have a gauge cluster either. Also, since this is going in a Toyota I dont want the immobilizer in there.

Now for the questions:

Which Me version is this? google couldnt help me

I understand since I'm going immo-off I will need to bench flash this, I searched but couldn't find the procedure, any hints?

If I bench flash the ecu to immo-off, can I just plug in any gauge cluster and not have to worry about it?

Finally, the car has a 5-speed transmission, will I need to flash the main software eprom with a 5 speed image so the engine can run like a 5speed?

Thanks for the help guys!

Title: Re: 2001 A6 4.2L immo questions
Post by: ddillenger on June 06, 2013, 03:21:37 PM

You have an ME7.1.1 ecu with immobilizer 3. The procedure for turning it off is in the above thread. You will have to use bootmode to write the eeprom, which can be done in the car so long as you put the ecu in bootmode first.

As for a 5 speed, you'll have to flash an S6 euro file, use appropriate softcoding (10612), and modify the file for a6 injectors and MAF.

Title: Re: 2001 A6 4.2L immo questions
Post by: doug86 on June 07, 2013, 09:24:48 AM
How easy is it to do bootmode out of the car? I had read through the above link, I didn't realize I was Immo-III though, that's good to know. Thanks for the quick reply btw

Title: Re: 2001 A6 4.2L immo questions
Post by: vdubnation on June 07, 2013, 09:35:57 AM
takes me 5 min to unscrew and open the ecu

Title: Re: 2001 A6 4.2L immo questions
Post by: f1torrents on June 13, 2013, 05:59:05 PM
5 minutes.!!!
If I were being timed I could do it in under a min. No question.