
General => Introductions => Topic started by: xr500t on July 17, 2013, 07:47:06 AM

Title: Hello from Massachusetts
Post by: xr500t on July 17, 2013, 07:47:06 AM
Hello everyone.

I've been lurking on this board for a couple of months and reading as much as I can...I guess it's time to introduce myself! My Name is Ray, I live on the South Shore, always busy with projects. I originally apprenticed as mechanic on Fiats....lets just say I've never shied away from any car! So, enter my friends v6 Passat, wow! that is a challenge, however, I'm really warming up to it and starting to really like it (a common sickness of mine!)

I'm helping a friend with his B5 Passat, we're having an issue with the Immo. I've read the Immo sticky and other assorted posts, and still will read some more before posting a question as well as reporting issues or anything interesting that may be of value to the board.

Anyway, suffice it to say that I'm impressed with the knowledge and participation on this board....very cool! I'm looking forward to being an active member.