
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: neuro on October 09, 2013, 01:41:09 PM

Title: 06A906032CL 004 150hp 1.8t EDLDRP DLUL please
Post by: neuro on October 09, 2013, 01:41:09 PM
I finally answered to my own question :P

I hope my research time will be usefull for someone now:

$196A5   Delta-Last für Überladeschutz-Reset   DLUL   1x1
$196A4   Schwelle Regelabweichung für Diagnose LDR-Regelabweichung positiv   EDLDRP   1x1
$19556   Obere Regelabweichungsschwelle für Negativ-Verstellung   LDEIAO   1x1
$19557   Regelabweichungsschwelle für  Positiv Adaption I-Regler   LDEIAP   1x1
$19558   Regelabweichungsschwelle für schnelle Positiv-Nachführung   LDEIAPS   1x1
$19559   Untere Regelabweichungsschwelle für Negativ-Verstellung   LDEIAU   1x1
$1955A   Hysterese für LDR I-Adaptionskennlinie   LDHIA   1x1
$1955B   Korrektur I-Begrenzung LDR PID Rgler als Funktion von Tans   LDIATA   8x1
$19563   Vollast Erkennungsschwelle LDR   LDRVL   1x1
$1978F   Drehzahlschwelle für LDRA Fehlerpfad und Heilung LDO Fehlerpfad   NDLDRAPU   2x1
$19567   Drehzahlschwelle für Adaption I-Begrenzung   NLDIAPU   2x1
$19558   Regelabweichungsschwelle für schnelle Positiv-Nachführung   LDEIAPS   1x1
$11CE8   Kennfeld für Berechnung Sollfüllung   KFMIRL   12x16
$19478   Maximalfuellung LDR bei E_ldo (Überladefehler) (!)   LDORXN   8x1
$1775A   LDR p-Begrenzung bei zu hoher Motortemperatur (!)   LDPBN   8x1
$1D856   Maximalfuellung LDR   LDRXN   16x1
$1D856   Maximalfuellung LDR bei Dauerklopfen   LDRXNZK   16x1
$19438   Rl-Schwelle für langsamen LDR-Eingriff (Adaption) (!)   RLKRLDA   8x1
$199F1   Maximaler Volumenstrom bei offener Drosselklappe   RLVMXN   11x1
$199F1   Maximaler Volumenstrom bei offener Drosselklappe und SU   RLVSMXN   11x1

Title: Re: 06A906032CL 004 150hp 1.8t EDLDRP DLUL please
Post by: neuro on October 09, 2013, 02:09:52 PM
DLUL or DPLPLGD at 196A5 maybe ?

Title: Re: 06A906032CL 004 150hp 1.8t EDLDRP DLUL please
Post by: ddillenger on October 09, 2013, 02:23:18 PM

Title: Re: 06A906032CL 004 150hp 1.8t EDLDRP DLUL please
Post by: neuro on October 09, 2013, 02:46:19 PM

Thanks ddillenger, but i already got these, i'v found an xdf here.

My main problem is the underboost (positive) and overboost (negative). I cannot get it right because the turbo is a gt3071r. In first and second gear the turbo lag more than in 3rd and other gear. I cannot compensate for each gear.

if i set load perfect for second gear, in third gear it overboost. Ps. the boost is controlled via a external wastegate and electronic boost controller. I want to be able to set the boost arround 20psi without trottle cut.

I maxed KFDLULS, KFLDHBN and zeroed LDIATA KFLDIMX, i'v set DSLOFS to 0

i need to find the diagnose LDR map with NDLDRAPU, SDLDRA , and most important NDLDRAPU and SDLDRA.


Title: Re: 06A906032CL 004 150hp 1.8t EDLDRP DLUL please
Post by: neuro on October 12, 2013, 06:17:48 PM
found it.

Title: Re: 06A906032CL 004 150hp 1.8t EDLDRP DLUL please
Post by: birchbark506 on May 06, 2018, 03:36:09 PM
do you have a kp file for this?

Title: Re: 06A906032CL 004 150hp 1.8t EDLDRP DLUL please
Post by: miigotu on May 19, 2018, 01:29:21 AM
Error in one of your maps:
$1D856   Maximalfuellung LDR bei Dauerklopfen   LDRXNZK   16x1

Should be:
$1D898   Maximalfuellung LDR bei Dauerklopfen   LDRXNZK   16x1

Title: Re: 06A906032CL 004 150hp 1.8t EDLDRP DLUL please
Post by: _nameless on May 19, 2018, 06:55:42 AM
all hail the mighty conch

Title: Re: 06A906032CL 004 150hp 1.8t EDLDRP DLUL please
Post by: miigotu on May 20, 2018, 07:30:37 AM
all hail the mighty conch

Cant afford registered winOLS for one project =P. Any way to get this converted to xdf?