
Technical => Flashing and Chipping => Topic started by: oldcarguy85 on December 03, 2013, 01:08:20 PM

Title: bought an ecu with unitronic flash -- would like to TEST the tune briefly...
Post by: oldcarguy85 on December 03, 2013, 01:08:20 PM
Hi -- first, I'm very sorry if i break any rules by asking this.  I'm certianly not posting the file unless someone asks me to.

I bought a used 06a906032DM ecu off ebay (AWW 1.8t auto).  It had unitronic software on it.  I backed up the EEPROM and the flash and reflashed with my own EEPROM and my own tune. 

I'd like to test this tune out just to see how mine compares.  I can obviously do this in boot mode, but it's just SO much easier to do this with nefmoto.  Nefmoto complained about the layout and would not read this file directly from the ecu, and i have to assume, even if i could write this with nefmoto, that i wouldn't be able to reflash later without boot mode.  My question is — is there something i can change in the unitronic file to "re-enable" flashing over OBD?

One note: this is labeled a 2007 flash in the file.  Presumably they didn't use their EEPROM security or whatever at that time.  When i flashed the EEPROM with an immo defeated one, car started and ran fine with the unitronic flash (and, of course, i didn't actually take it out and drive it at that point lol)

One more question.  Do i technically own the license/rights to this flash now?  I mean, if i had left it alone and just immo defeated it, would that be "legal."  I'm guessing it is? seems i own the rights to one copy.

Title: Re: bought an ecu with unitronic flash -- would like to TEST the tune briefly...
Post by: ddillenger on December 03, 2013, 05:24:36 PM
Just click "Continue" if it fails to validate the memory layout. It'll flash fine. If you want to remove that prompt, search for this string:

09 0A   0B 0C 00 0D

Change it to:

09 0A 0B 0C 0F 0D

and you will have re-enabled OBD reading and removed the memory layout verification conflict.

Title: Re: bought an ecu with unitronic flash -- would like to TEST the tune briefly...
Post by: oldcarguy85 on December 03, 2013, 05:32:20 PM
I think you have helped me with every post ice ever made on this forum!! Thanks, as always!!!