Title: 512kb file on 1024kb ecu? Post by: ToreM82 on December 12, 2013, 01:41:27 PM Maybe a very stupid question but, can i flash a 512kb file on a 1024kb ecu, and still have a functional ecu?
I have a spare 29f800 ecu gathering dust, thats why Im asking. Thanks! Title: Re: 512kb file on 1024kb ecu? Post by: ddillenger on December 12, 2013, 01:42:49 PM If it's an S4 ecu, yes. Just fill the remaining space with FF"s so the file is 1024, or just double the file up in a hex editor and then flash it. If we're talking 1.8t, no. The 512kb ecu's are different internally.
Title: Re: 512kb file on 1024kb ecu? Post by: ToreM82 on December 12, 2013, 10:51:37 PM Thanks for quick answer!
The car is an S3 APY 2000 and the spare ECU is a BAM 2001, so this probably not work... |