
Technical => Flashing and Chipping => Topic started by: thyreloaded on January 23, 2014, 02:37:12 PM

Title: Flashing over GIAC software on a M box
Post by: thyreloaded on January 23, 2014, 02:37:12 PM
I have done some searches and found some answers but nothing definite. I have a M box with GIAC software on it I would like to turn off EGTs. Is this possible or will it brick. Would i have to rewrite the eeprom for any reason afterwards. Any help would be great.

Title: Re: Flashing over GIAC software on a M box
Post by: nyet on January 23, 2014, 03:24:42 PM
If it's GIAC flashed you can flash over it. If it is GIAC socket you'll have to remove the socket.

The eeprom should be ok.

The bigger problem is you can't just modify GIAC software to disable EGT, so I assume you have a different tune in mind.

Alternately, you can use EGT eliminators or repair them. Both ways are significantly cheaper than buying new sensors.

the eliminators are even plug and play.

Title: Re: Flashing over GIAC software on a M box
Post by: thyreloaded on January 23, 2014, 05:39:02 PM
I dont plan on changing anything on the tune other the delete egt. Do you know why it can't be done. Is it because Giac changes things that can't be defined.