
Technical => Diagnostics => Topic started by: masterj on November 21, 2014, 09:39:03 AM

Title: Fueling issues
Post by: masterj on November 21, 2014, 09:39:03 AM
Hi guys!
So, I am currently midway converting my 4B0906018DC to 06A906032HN. Not a lot of differences in sensors in these engines, but still something. I have transferred maps in RKTI, BBGANG, knock sensors, map, maf, pedal, throttle plate. Disabled all the emissions: sai, postcat o2, evap, n249, n112. Works as expected here, BUT fueling is kinda weird (jumpy lean conditions). Temporary disabled rkukg_w (haven't transfered wall wetting yet) to see what is going on. After logging whole gk function I see that fr_w is jumpy for no reason here (please look in the attached log @ 170th second). I'm thinking maybe start digging LRS and logging everything here (maybe disabled post cat o2 sensor is interfering here as in ME7.5 it is tightly connected to front o2). Either that or maf/map issues (there are no leaks 100%). Precat o2 is properly configured (transferred LALIUS and some other maps) (i have external o2 sensor to check final afr and at least in idle it shows correctly 14.7).

Now my strategy would be:
disable all the enrichment (lamsbg_w) and check with external if afr stays at 14.7. If it stays at that afr then there are no probs with precat and problem is somewhere else.
If afr will be jumpy then I guess I'll have to recheck LRS.

What do you think?

UPDATE: couldn't attach file so uploaded it here: (

Title: Re: Fueling issues
Post by: masterj on November 23, 2014, 01:50:21 PM
Flashed back stock file and made one third gear pull.

Since I was mostly interested in GK I logged only few specific vars, but noticed some weird rlp (predicted engine load) values (see attached image). I guess next time I'll log MAF and compare rl_w to rlp_w....

BTW: My injectors are open unusually long - up to 80% dc @ 5500rpm. And that is with stock boost ~0.5bar. Fuel pressure is 4.5-5.5 bar, no intake leaks whatsoever. Very weird