
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: masterj on January 28, 2015, 06:13:36 AM

Title: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on January 28, 2015, 06:13:36 AM
I've read few topics here that recommend only disabling diagnostics of VVT. But for complete disable I think we also need b_nws = 0, no?

Currently I have fixed ESKONF and CDNWS = 0.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: littco on January 29, 2015, 02:17:59 AM
I've read few topics here that recommend only disabling diagnostics of VVT. But for complete disable I think we also need b_nws = 0, no?

Currently I have fixed ESKONF and CDNWS = 0.

if you resistor out or leave just the vvt solenoid plugged in ( not the whole vvt, just actual solenoid) then you only need to set CDNWS 0..but I also set all the wse maps to 18 as well..

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on January 29, 2015, 09:54:19 AM
I'll try to analize fr cause I think that there has to be easier and more "correct" way than setting all *WSE maps to 18 or -4 :)

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on January 29, 2015, 10:24:11 AM
After some digging into FR I propose this:
disable b_nws by TMNW = FF
properly set camshaft reference value in WNWREO

Additionally disable diagnostics by ESKONF and CDNWS. Whatcha think?

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: ddillenger on January 29, 2015, 10:54:42 AM
After some digging into FR I propose this:
disable b_nws by TMNW = FF
properly set camshaft reference value in WNWREO

Additionally disable diagnostics by ESKONF and CDNWS. Whatcha think?

I think you should just use CDNWS/ESKONF and unplug the solenoid.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on January 29, 2015, 12:10:41 PM
I think you should just use CDNWS/ESKONF and unplug the solenoid.

And CDNWS will set b_nws = 0? Because if not then I think it will still switch between ignition maps or am I wrong?

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: prj on January 29, 2015, 11:46:52 PM
Switching between ignition maps is done by actual camshaft position.

If the cams are not moving, fnwue is 0 and there is no switching.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on January 30, 2015, 01:33:09 AM
Switching between ignition maps is done by actual camshaft position.

If the cams are not moving, fnwue is 0 and there is no switching.

oh, ok. So basically ecu will think it is not switching from -4 to 18 advancement. Got it :) Thanks

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on January 31, 2015, 07:02:47 AM
One more question:
When VVT is not present camshaft is in advanced (18) or in retarded (-4) position? For example for AGU or AEB should I set up whole changeover map to -4 or 18? (to use only one variation of ignition map KFZW)

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: MadCow on January 31, 2015, 09:53:48 AM
I forget which position is the default, but when I tried setting all the values the same the ECU never went through the OBD2 readiness tests and there were some fuel trim issues (forget exactly what). I changed ESKONF and CDNWS and copied the KFZW* maps over to KFZW*2 and it everything seemed fine after that.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on January 31, 2015, 11:44:34 AM
I forget which position is the default, but when I tried setting all the values the same the ECU never went through the OBD2 readiness tests and there were some fuel trim issues (forget exactly what). I changed ESKONF and CDNWS and copied the KFZW* maps over to KFZW*2 and it everything seemed fine after that.

If you copied from kfzw to kfzw then i think default is advanced...

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: ddillenger on January 31, 2015, 11:54:09 AM
One more question:
When VVT is not present camshaft is in advanced (18) or in retarded (-4) position? For example for AGU or AEB should I set up whole changeover map to -4 or 18? (to use only one variation of ignition map KFZW)

VVT advances the camshaft by 22 degrees.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on January 31, 2015, 03:54:17 PM
VVT advances the camshaft by 22 degrees.

Yes, between -4 and 18 degrees (shown in various maps). So basically in "default" position it is -4, right? Just need confirmation to close this topic :)

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: ddillenger on January 31, 2015, 04:03:00 PM
Yes, between -4 and 18 degrees (shown in various maps). So basically in "default" position it is -4, right? Just need confirmation to close this topic :)

18 represents at rest in the 1.8t files from what I recall.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on January 31, 2015, 04:08:55 PM
18 represents at rest in the 1.8t files from what I recall.

So advancement is done backwards... OK, so if "default" (retarded) position is 18 then advanced will be -4. Weird compared to ignition where advancement is done by increasing number and retard by decreasing.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: Lost on February 01, 2015, 12:30:42 AM
So advancement is done backwards... OK, so if "default" (retarded) position is 18 then advanced will be -4. Weird compared to ignition where advancement is done by increasing number and retard by decreasing.

It is based on which side the cam is turning when retarded or advanced

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: ddillenger on February 01, 2015, 01:06:29 AM
From what I've seen:

All wideband ME7.5:
18=at rest, -4=advanced

14=at rest, -8=advanced

0=at rest, 1=advanced

AWN (note, NOT AWM!):
0=at rest, 11=transitional, 22=advanced.

They are all different-lol.
Keep in mind, this is all from memory, so I may be mistaken.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on February 02, 2015, 01:21:04 AM
From what I've seen:

All wideband ME7.5:
18=at rest, -4=advanced

14=at rest, -8=advanced

0=at rest, 1=advanced

AWN (note, NOT AWM!):
0=at rest, 11=transitional, 22=advanced.

They are all different-lol.
Keep in mind, this is all from memory, so I may be mistaken.

Well i guess if im using ME7.5 for AGU engine, I'll just keep 18 then :) Thanks for the info

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: julex on February 03, 2015, 08:42:27 AM
That would be backwards from all the other boxes them. On ME 7.1, advanced in "1", at rest (retarded) is 0
In Me 7.1.1 and RS4 it is "22" for advanced, 0 at rest.

Basically whatever you see in low load, low rpm, is value that is at rest. The VVT only kicks in mid-high low in low-mid rpms and is very obvious when you look at the map.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on February 03, 2015, 11:19:42 PM
That would be backwards from all the other boxes them. On ME 7.1, advanced in "1", at rest (retarded) is 0
In Me 7.1.1 and RS4 it is "22" for advanced, 0 at rest.

Basically whatever you see in low load, low rpm, is value that is at rest. The VVT only kicks in mid-high low in low-mid rpms and is very obvious when you look at the map.

I see 18s almost in whole cam changeover table, only around where boost reaches max it is -4. So I guess it really is 18 (retarded) and -4 (advanced)

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: ddillenger on February 04, 2015, 12:27:50 AM
I see 18s almost in whole cam changeover table, only around where boost reaches max it is -4. So I guess it really is 18 (retarded) and -4 (advanced)

I told you it was. That has not changed.

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: masterj on February 04, 2015, 11:17:06 AM
I told you it was. That has not changed.

yes you were right :) thank you guys for all the answers :)

Title: Re: Disabling VVT
Post by: prj on February 14, 2015, 07:59:46 PM
All this is not important. Log fnwue, if it is 0, then KFZW is read, if it is 1 then KFZW2.