Title: Annoying airbag light Post by: Terror_Flynn on May 16, 2015, 03:48:48 PM I'll give it a try on this forum, I have the classic A4 B5 problem with my airbag light constantly shining in my face.
I read the fault code and it says: side airbag, driver seat. Short to ground. Anyone with some good DIY solutions to get rid of it? Title: Re: Annoying airbag light Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on May 29, 2015, 07:42:48 AM measure the resistance of the passenger seat which is known to be good, get same resistor, disconnect driver seat and use resistor to bridge the wires.
Or get a new seat. Title: Re: Post by: Terror_Flynn on May 29, 2015, 07:51:27 AM I did the resistor solution. Took two 10 ohm resistors and shoved them in parallel into the connector under the drivers seat. Worked like a charm.