Title: Me7.5 immo removal Post by: Mk4junkie89 on September 10, 2015, 05:36:02 PM Hi, I have a ecu out a mk4 jetta, 2.0l gas motor. I was wondering how to remove the immo from it to use in my current car and what I would need.
I have: A windows xp pro sp3 and a windows 7 laptop A ebay vagcom kkl 409.1 obd2 blue usb cable Me7_95040 downloaded The ecu I want to remove it from is a Bosch 06A906032FQ Benson ME7.5 C4 4069 Also does anyone have the pinout for the me7.1.1 and or the 7.5 ecu's. Complete pinouts. And any recommendations are welcome! Ground 24 then wait 10 seconds to put ecu into boot mode correct? Title: Re: Me7.5 immo removal Post by: k0mpresd on September 10, 2015, 06:45:18 PM the jetta guy.
Title: Re: Me7.5 immo removal Post by: jogtx16v on September 11, 2015, 04:16:48 AM http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=5068.0title=