
Technical => Cluster and Immobilizer => Topic started by: dbreeze on November 21, 2015, 12:15:20 AM

Title: Trouble Writing 24c02 Chip
Post by: dbreeze on November 21, 2015, 12:15:20 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm having some trouble trying to write to a 24c02 out of a 2001 2.0l Beetle ME5.9 ECU (06A 906 018 EQ).

I'm able to read the chip perfectly fine, but when I go to write to it, I am unable to write them.

After some testing I found that I can write to "half" of the chip, see below:


Half Written:

I have tried grounding the WP (pin 7) to make sure that the Write Protect is disabled but I get the same results.

Any ideas what's going on / what I'm doing wrong? I'm using WLPRO with an SP200SE Chip Programmer to flash the chip.

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Trouble Writing 24c02 Chip
Post by: szogun0 on November 22, 2015, 04:43:34 AM
Try to clean legs, sometimes there is bad contact.
Change this chip.
Some of them can't be programmed.
I'm always changing 24c02 with new one.

Title: Re: Trouble Writing 24c02 Chip
Post by: dbreeze on November 22, 2015, 08:38:31 AM
Thanks, I don't think it's a bad contact as I have it soldered to an adapter for my chip programmer.

I was wondering if some of them might not be able to be programmed.

Thanks for the tips!

Title: Re: Trouble Writing 24c02 Chip
Post by: dbreeze on December 13, 2015, 10:24:28 PM
Forget to update this in case it helps someone in the future. Needed to replace the chip with a blank one. I was then able to write whatever and as many times as needed.

Title: Re: Trouble Writing 24c02 Chip
Post by: ddillenger on December 14, 2015, 02:04:55 AM
Pull it off the board, write it speed 0, or slow.