
Noob Zone => Noob Questions => Topic started by: QuickS4 on November 29, 2015, 12:52:13 AM

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: QuickS4 on November 29, 2015, 12:52:13 AM
FNG here, trying to read and learn as much as I can before attempting to tune and flash or even ask questions that already have answers to, but this one doesn't.... (gotta start somewhere right.. haha)

After trying cmd line, ME7Checksum opens but disappears right away. Followed what Matt Danger post about having the files in the home directory, it's there, failed results.  Then I tried infinkc's EasyCheckSum tool.  Same thing happened, this is on Win7.   ???

Any ideas?

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: gt30avant on November 29, 2015, 02:58:55 AM
sounds like your just trying to open "me7checksum.exe" by clicking on it but what you need to do is open up cmd line and then drag me7checksum into the black screen of cmd then just hit enter. hope that makes sense and helps.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: QuickS4 on November 29, 2015, 09:07:33 AM
sounds like your just trying to open "me7checksum.exe" by clicking on it but what you need to do is open up cmd line and then drag me7checksum into the black screen of cmd then just hit enter. hope that makes sense and helps.

That's what I did on both tries.  First was with cmd line, it opened but closed.  then I tried the second method, dragged the file into the cmd screen and tapped enter, it would run it's course (faster that you can actually read anything) then closed again. I managed to get a screen capture of if just before it closed.  (fast fingers, what can I say)  ;D

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: nyet on November 29, 2015, 01:56:15 PM
That isn't how you are supposed to execute a command from the command line.

FROM THE ORIGINAL POST (which you clearly didn't bother reading)

P.S. it's a command line tool.
Call it from a command window, e.g. cmd.exe or a cygwin shell.
If called without arguments you will see the usage:
C:\Program Files\ME7\bin>ME7Check.exe
Open a cmd.exe window, cd to the directory where the program is:

C:\> cd \path\to\program

and type the name of the program.

C:\path\to\program> me7check

or, type


Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: QuickS4 on November 29, 2015, 03:53:26 PM

Thanks for the unnecessary banter.  I did in fact read the OP.  I read it multiple times to be sure what I was trying in cmd was correct and before bringing the problem public, and it is/was.

Here, to give you an idea without doubt of how I'm doing it.  This is where I have my bin file and ME7Check (program only). 


Now I type,
ME7Check 8D0907551M-00001, in front of my "path", as such, C:\Users\Otto\ME7Check 8D0907551M-0001

and that prompts the UAC, I select yes, it then opens another cmd window briefly and then closes, and only by capture, I can see the info. As before it never gave me the "File ok"

Now, if there's something else wrong, then please by all means mention it. But lets keep it a learning aspect instead of the other spectrum.

Also to try something else, I put the file inside the "program files folder" to see how that would play out while following what the OP had and what you post.  didn't work.  another thing I noticed was after trying different methods of command in cmd, it wrote the ME7Check file to zero kb when it would error out odd, don't why or more so don't know the explanation as to why it can do that.  But I have the original ME7Check in another folder anyhow.

Where I have it now, seems to check the file (as you can see from my capture), however not actually leave me with the unusable results when it closes by itself.  The first capture shot, shows it didn't give "File ok" line.

Thanks for your help. :)
Still learning...

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: nyet on November 29, 2015, 06:24:36 PM
There should be no new window when you run it from the command line (unless you are running a shortcut and not the original file)

Perhaps UAC is causing the problems; that isn't how command line programs are supposed to work.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: QuickS4 on November 29, 2015, 07:14:08 PM
Thanks Nyet, you're right.  I went back into the original folder containing ME7Check, and pasted the bin there. tried under "easychecksum" and it worked.  also tried in cmd and it worked.  No more disappearing.  Curious though, is there a limit of times you can check, kind of like a cache?  My apologies if this was answered already.  Reason being after figuring out the right way to do it.  I came up with this error.

C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\ME7Sum-master\me7check: binary file
 8D0907551M-0001 has not correct length (is 0x0 bytes long, 0x80000 or 0x100000
bytes expected)

Also tried this,
k >8d0907551m-0001
ME7Check v1.12 (c) mki, 06/2004-05/2012
Usage: ME7Check <bin-file>

Went back to be sure the binary was still the correct size, and it is. even tried copying over another file, same thing.

Thank you Nyet

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: nyet on November 29, 2015, 07:19:32 PM
C:\Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\ME7Sum-master\ME7Check >8d0907551m-0001

Why would you do that? Do you have ANY idea what the > does? Hint: not something you want.

No, there is no "cache" - something is wrong with the way you are using the program, or you have file permission problems, etc. What does ME7Sum report?

This is WAY beyond just helping you with me7check; you need to learn how the command line works.

At LEAST cut and paste the output of "dir".

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: QuickS4 on November 29, 2015, 08:00:49 PM
Oops? .... hahah.  after a quick search of what that does, realize that wasn't good.  The bright side.. I didn't mess anything up that can't be reversed.  Sorry. 

In regards to permissions, do you mean of the bin file or ME7check program?

I did copy paste from the dir. That's how I made sure the dir was correct.  :) 

Why would it say binary length incorrect?

The report was what I posted of the output. However strange, EASYCHECKSUM works fine.

"Easy Checksum for Win by infinkc v1.0
Special thanks to setzi62 for the checksum program.

Drop the Bin file in this window of the file you wish to check:
Press Enter when the path is pasted.
ME7Check v1.12 (c) mki, 06/2004-05/2012
Checking file C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\ME7Sum-master\8D09075
51M-0002.bin (size=1048576)
Reading Version Strings...
-> Bootrom Version = embedded in CPU, asume 05.12/05.32
-> EPK = 40/1/ME7.1/5/6005.01//22m/DstC2o/011200//
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - '0261207143'         (SSECUHN)
   - '1037360857'         (SSECUSN)
   - '8D0907551M  '       (VAG part number)
   - '0002'               (VAG sw number)
   - '2.7l V6/5VT     '   (engine id)
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - 'HW_MAN004'

-> No errors found. File is OK.   *********************

Press any key to continue . . ."

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: nyet on November 29, 2015, 08:34:19 PM
With .bin or without .bin in the filename?

PLEASE do a dir and show what is there. This is definitely because you don't really understand cmd.exe, not a problem with the program.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: QuickS4 on November 29, 2015, 09:10:59 PM

 Directory of C:\users\otto\documents\tuning\me7sum-master

11/29/2015  07:55 PM    <DIR>          .
11/29/2015  07:55 PM    <DIR>          ..
05/17/2015  11:46 AM                58 .gitignore
05/17/2015  11:46 AM         1,048,576 8D0907551M-0002.bin
11/29/2015  06:53 PM    <DIR>          bins
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               409 build.cmd
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             5,372 crc32.c
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               190 crc32.h
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             1,602 debug.h
11/28/2015  11:19 PM             8,192 EasyChecksum.exe
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               321 GNUmakefile
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               663
11/29/2015  06:53 PM    <DIR>          inifile
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             2,748 inifile_prop.c
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               962 inifile_prop.h
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               359 makefile
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             1,044 makefile.common
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             8,587 md5.c
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             1,410 md5.h
05/17/2015  11:46 AM            92,160 ME7Check.exe
05/17/2015  11:46 AM           108,604 ME7Check_linux
11/24/2015  05:30 PM        20,734,382
05/17/2015  11:46 AM            67,382 me7sum.c
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               637 mestuff.txt
11/29/2015  06:53 PM    <DIR>          mpir
11/29/2015  06:53 PM    <DIR>          os
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             2,385 README
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               784 README.orig
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             9,151 rsa.c
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               709 rsa.h
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               468 sample.ini
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             7,878 str.c
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             1,974 str.h
05/17/2015  11:46 AM                80
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             4,972 utils.c
05/17/2015  11:46 AM             2,944 utils.h
05/17/2015  11:46 AM               484
              31 File(s)     22,115,487 bytes
               6 Dir(s)  278,806,290,432 bytes free

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: nyet on November 29, 2015, 09:40:34 PM
are you typing 8D0907551M-0002.bin or 8D0907551M-0002

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: QuickS4 on November 29, 2015, 10:30:38 PM
I've tried both.  Here's the readout.

C:\Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\me7check 8d0907551m-0
C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\me7check: can't open binary file 8d

C:\Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\me7check 8d0907551m-0
C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\me7check: can't open binary file 8d

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: nyet on November 29, 2015, 10:33:59 PM
I've tried both.  Here's the readout.

C:\Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\me7check 8d0907551m-0
C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\me7check: can't open binary file 8d

C:\Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\me7check 8d0907551m-0
C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\me7check: can't open binary file 8d


cd \Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master
me7check 8d0907551m-0002.bin


C:\Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\me7check C:\Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\8d0907551m-0002.bin

PLEASE do some command line learning FIRST, before posting.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: QuickS4 on November 29, 2015, 11:51:41 PM

Thanks for trying.  I put this into cmd just as you have it, it didn't work. 

I'll just stick with the other tool.  It is what it is.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: nyet on November 29, 2015, 11:55:04 PM

Thanks for trying.  I put this into cmd just as you have it, it didn't work. 

I'll just stick with the other tool.  It is what it is.

No, you really need to learn what CD does and how it works. "it is what it is" is a horrible attitude if you really want to DIY this stuff.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: QuickS4 on November 30, 2015, 12:47:17 AM
I will. I meant that in the mean time while I figure out why this isn't working under the normal cmd, I can use the other tool.  That and I don't want irritate you anymore than necessary. :)   Gotta find read the tutorials and information to feed the brain so I can pick up on all the abbreviations and tune parameters classifications in here. 

Title: Re: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: adam- on November 30, 2015, 03:04:24 AM
Open CMD as an administrator.  So, Start, search for CMD, right-click and Open as Administrator.

cd C:\Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\

cd is "change directory".

The cursor should now read:

Does it read this?!

If it does, now type:
me7check 8d0907551m-0002.bin

What does that do?

Title: Re: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7
Post by: QuickS4 on November 30, 2015, 08:47:56 AM
Open CMD as an administrator.  So, Start, search for CMD, right-click and Open as Administrator.

cd C:\Users\Otto>C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\

cd is "change directory".

The cursor should now read:

Does it read this?!

If it does, now type:
me7check 8d0907551m-0002.bin

What does that do?

I found the issue, the line reads as such, and with the orange colored section, it would say, "the system cannot find path to specified"

cd "C:\Users\Otto>"C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\

So after looking at the line, I see the "C" drive is duplicated.  I removed it, and wrote the line like this,

cd C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\

Then after,
me7check 8d0907551m-0002.bin and got this for read out.

c:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master>me7check 8d0907551m-0002.bin
me7check v1.12 (c) mki, 06/2004-05/2012
Checking file 8d0907551m-0002.bin (size=1048576)
Reading Version Strings...
-> Bootrom Version = embedded in CPU, asume 05.12/05.32
-> EPK = 40/1/ME7.1/5/6005.01//22m/DstC2o/011200//
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - '0261207143'         (SSECUHN)
   - '1037360857'         (SSECUSN)
   - '8D0907551M  '       (VAG part number)
   - '0002'               (VAG sw number)
   - '2.7l V6/5VT     '   (engine id)
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - 'HW_MAN004'

-> No errors found. File is OK.   *********************


Thanks to Adam an Nyet for the help.  Also some sleep. ha.  On to the next hurdle, learning the tuning parameters and how to tune them and all else that's needed.  More reading!

Again, thanks to the both of you.
and Nyet, thanks for putting up with it, I owe you a beer sometime.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: adam- on November 30, 2015, 09:11:25 AM
I found the issue, the line reads as such, and with the orange colored section, it would say, "the system cannot find path to specified"

cd "C:\Users\Otto>"C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\

So after looking at the line, I see the "C" drive is duplicated.  I removed it, and wrote the line like this,

cd C:\Users\Otto\Documents\Tuning\ME7Sum-master\

Then after,
me7check 8d0907551m-0002.bin and got this for read out.

Sorry, I meant to type that the first time.  I was using your quote as a base for a file path and never removed some of it, it shouldn't have been in there.  So yeah, you're correct in removing the bit you did. :)

Well done, always use this before you flash a file; its better to be safe than to be sorry.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: ddillenger on November 30, 2015, 09:18:18 AM
You can also just....

Save the exe and file in the default directory


Rename the program sum.

Then your command becomes

sum 8D0907551M-0002.bin

Or even rename the file 551M

then your command is a blistering

sum 551M.bin

Very very easy.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: QuickS4 on December 01, 2015, 08:34:45 AM
Adam, thank you, no worries. Sleep tends to help make things that seems normal to become outstanding when you've actually not stared at the damn problem all day trying to figure out why it's not functioning.  haha.. sometimes just best to step away for a while and come back later.  or the epiphany while trying to sleep suddenly pops in. lol

ddillenger, thank you.  You're correct and have been planning to make the change to an easier directory.  But while having help for you good folks, I didn't want to change up the variables and create a larger problem by confusing everyone a random directory change. lol  Figured once it was all ironed out, then I'd make the necessary change to make life (fingers life) substantially smoother.

Again to all... THANK YOU!!!  I'm still a noob and have a long road to learning a lot here. That and haven't been playing with the puter for a good while in this type of stuff so the memory of certain things is a little rusty.  Gotta get wrapped around that wiki so I'm good on terms and proper understanding of everything.  well as close as I can be.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: adam- on December 01, 2015, 10:26:41 AM
Download these if you want.

Place them in whatever folder your file is stored in.  Run the bat file, answer the questions.  I've assumed your default file name is 8d0907551m-0002.bin and editted the bat appropriately.

If you want to change your file name, edit the bat with Notepad with whatever name you want.

It's pretty easy, and it means you don't have to do cmd every time.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: QuickS4 on December 02, 2015, 12:21:27 AM
Awesome! Thanks Adam.  love new tools.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: dream3R on December 02, 2015, 02:17:17 AM
Everyone should know DOS who uses Windows, seriously it's a hindrance.

Call it a terminal suppose, generally you can type programname (tab auto completes) /?" or --h for help.

dir - directory listing (/s) will check the subfolders too
cd - change directory
set - envionment variables

It's 100% worth learning.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: dream3R on December 02, 2015, 02:20:03 AM
Download these if you want.

Place them in whatever folder your file is stored in.  Run the bat file, answer the questions.  I've assumed your default file name is 8d0907551m-0002.bin and editted the bat appropriately.

If you want to change your file name, edit the bat with Notepad with whatever name you want.

It's pretty easy, and it means you don't have to do cmd every time.

This chap knows DOS :) from  quick look I'd always be anal and check for the exe then exit if it wasn't present though and I've never seen if used like that.  That's a new one on me and I go back to 1992.  Set I have never used
 like that either :) choice I suppose.

Title: Re: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: adam- on December 02, 2015, 02:48:16 AM
Can play about with it as you will, but I always just copy me7check and my bat into whatever directory, it's not designed for fool-proof distribution, just a quick grab for me to verify.

But it took two minutes to write and meh, it'll do. :)

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: SB_GLI on December 02, 2015, 06:52:36 AM
Everyone should know the Drag and Drop "trick" with the DOS prompt in windows.

1) Open up "CMD.exe".  The easy way to do this is press the windows key on your keyboard and just type "CMD" and press enter.  CMD prompt is now open.

2) Open up a file explorer and navigate to the folder with ME7Check.exe.  Drag and drop the exe onto the CMD window.  This will type the full path of ME7Check.exe into the CMD window.

3) Steal underpants

4) On the cmd window, hit the space bar.  this will add a space between the path of ME7Check.exe and your bin.

5) Open up a file explorer and navigate the folder that contains your bin.  Drag and drop your bin onto the CMD window.

6) Press enter

7) ? ?? ??

8 ) Profit.

Title: Re: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: adam- on December 02, 2015, 07:05:09 AM
Meh, mine's faster.  You should be working from the same bin every time - so shouldn't need to be checking random bins in random folders.  So, place the bat in the folder you work from and run that every time.

I could bash one out in the time you've dragged and dropped.  I could also have used my bat file approx. 30 times by the time you've done that.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: SB_GLI on December 02, 2015, 07:10:47 AM
I agree with you 100%.  But, 9 out of 10 people have no clue when is comes to CMD, or using their keyboard in general.

I made a vijyah for ya'll.

Title: Re: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: adam- on December 02, 2015, 07:18:17 AM
If you can't use your keyboard, you don't have the IQ to tune.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: SB_GLI on December 02, 2015, 07:29:42 AM
Not that it really matters in this case, but IMO, generally copying around a program is bad practice.  If there is a bug in the program and a fix has been released, now you have that buggy program in 50 different directories which you may need to update all instances. 

For reasons like that, I keep the program in a single directory and just call on that one program.  If there's a bug fix, I update one program and I am done.

A program like ME7Check doesn't necessarily apply to this.  It's stable and doesn't modify anything, but it's just a general practice I adhere to.

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: adam- on December 02, 2015, 07:50:08 AM
There you go then.

Put ME7Check into a folder on your C Drive called ME7Check.
So C:\ME7Check\me7check.exe

Put that bat in the folder where you file is.  Run.  Same process, just hiding the me7check in a folder so you can update it every time there's a new release.  Just for you SB ;)

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: nyet on December 02, 2015, 10:46:22 AM
bash + command line tab completion > *

Title: Re: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: dream3R on December 02, 2015, 08:05:12 PM
Can play about with it as you will, but I always just copy me7check and my bat into whatever directory, it's not designed for fool-proof distribution, just a quick grab for me to verify.

But it took two minutes to write and meh, it'll do. :)

defo man, just I ad never seen your approach before, that's all.

you could us wget I guess too if not exist.

My post was mean to be a positive one :)

Title: Re: ME7Check: Checksum checker for ME7 SOLVED!!!!!
Post by: dream3R on December 02, 2015, 08:10:26 PM
Re the batch file, really you should pull in the filename from an argument %1 for example, check it exists, then check it's exit code.

That's how DOS was originally designed.

It works so not much point doing it, just my 2p and props for people making it easier but as already mentioned learn this stuff, it's not difficult.