
Noob Zone => Noob Questions => Topic started by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 09:52:14 AM

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 09:52:14 AM
I have a BIN that refuses to be corrected. Stock file worked fine, didn't change a whole lot but now has uncorrectable error... meh.  I would be ever so grateful if someone could correct it for me.  ???  heres a log if you need it.

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: adam- on December 18, 2015, 09:58:40 AM
Okay, what did you try? 

I thought maybe ME7Sum was being weird so I didn't try it at first, your file corrected file in WinOLS.  Then thought I'd try ME7Sum incase that wasn't working but no, it works fine.  Corrected all 9 errors first time, no issues.

So, what did you do?

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 10:10:31 AM
I used me7sum and me7 corrector, for some reason me7 corrector gui gave me an uncorrectable error and me7 runs that checker. Maybe old version of sum? What summer did you use? Maybe post the corrected bin and version you used. Then i'll try not to bother ya anymore ha  ;D thanks brutha

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 11:14:35 AM
Just tried winols demo and you have to buy it to correct bins. Turdaliscious

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: adam- on December 18, 2015, 11:19:06 AM
Yeah, you have to pay for it.  ME7Sum is free though, you need to learn how to use it though so you can do it yourself.  You don't need a GUI for this shit.

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: nyet on December 18, 2015, 11:22:10 AM
I have a BIN that refuses to be corrected. Stock file worked fine, didn't change a whole lot but now has uncorrectable error... meh.  I would be ever so grateful if someone could correct it for me.  ???  heres a log if you need it.

Step #2: Reading ROMSYS ..
 ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
 Startup section: word[0x008000]+word[0x00FFFE]
 @008038 Add=0x00852D CalcAdd=0x00852D  ADD OK

Why did you modify the first word of your file?

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 11:24:56 AM
I didn't change any of the info on the bin except through tunerpro on individual parameters. I don't understand how it could've happened or are you being fasetious. Totally new at this.

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: nyet on December 18, 2015, 11:45:47 AM
I didn't change any of the info on the bin except through tunerpro on individual parameters. I don't understand how it could've happened or are you being fasetious. Totally new at this.

Compare your file with a stock LP file, and try running the ME7Sum on the stock LP file.

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: adam- on December 18, 2015, 12:25:57 PM
Attached is a quite guide for people.

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: adam- on December 18, 2015, 12:29:16 PM
Nyet, I didn't get that error with ME7Sum and WinOLS checks it fine too?

But, here it is. :)

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 02:13:32 PM
ok, so checked your checked version with me7check and its good, yet the me7sum check says 1 uncorrectable error. i seriously do not want to brick. i'm using me7sum the same way i me7 check by dragging me7sum into cmd, making 1 space with bar then adding my bin.

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 03:56:29 PM
here is the test. me7sum on my end no likey. what version do you have?

D:\Documents and Settings\Titan>"D:\Documents and Settings\Titan\Desktop\VW GTI
Flashes\me7sum.exe" "D:\Documents and Settings\Titan\Desktop\VW GTI Flashes\LPSt
ME7Tool (v1.0.3) [Management tool for Bosch ME7.x firmwares]
Inspiration from Andy Whittaker's tools and information.
Written by 360trev and nyet [BSD License Open Source].

Attempting to open firmware file 'D:\Documents and Settings\Titan\Desktop\VW GTI

Step #1: Reading ROM info ..
 Searching for EPK signature...OK
 Searching for ECUID table...OK
 EPK         : '42/1/ME7.5/120/4013.00//24B/Dst05o/240402/'
 Part Number : '06A906032LP '
 Engine ID   : '1.8L R4/5VT     '
 SW Version  : '0005'
 HW Number   : '0261207955'
 SW Number   : '1037366194'

Step #2: Reading ROMSYS ..
 ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
 Startup section: word[0x008000]+word[0x00FFFE]
 @008038 Add=0x00852D CalcAdd=0x00852D  ADD OK
 Program pages: 8k page first+last in 0x0000-0xFFFF and 0x20000-0xFFFFF
 @00803c Add=0x9965A3 CalcAdd=0x9965A3  ADD OK
 All param page: word[0x010000]+word[0x01FFFE]
 @01bed0 Add=0x00971D CalcAdd=0x00971D  ADD OK

Step #3: Reading RSA signatures ..
 Searching for RSA offset #0...OK
 Searching for RSA offset #1...OK
         Signature: @9d894-9d914
           Modulus: @1699a-16a1a
          Exponent: @16a1a = 3
 Searching for MD5 ranges...OK
 MD5 Block Offset Table @16976 [32 bytes]:
 1) 0x00010002-0x00013FFE
 2) 0x00014252-0x00017F4E
 3) 0x00018192-0x0001FBDC
 4) 0x00026A00-0x0002FFFC
 EncrMD5: 0d db 9f 5a bb 6e 26 cb 8b be 16 32 a0 fe c0 ef
 CalcMD5: 0d db 9f 5a bb 6e 26 cb 8b be 16 32 a0 fe c0 ef

Step #4: Finding CRC table(s) ..
 Searching for CRC table(s)...OK
 CRC table(s) OK

Step #5: Reading Main Data Checksums ..
 Searching for main data CRC pre block...missing
 Searching for main data CRC/csum blocks...OK
 Searching for main data CRC offsets...missing
 Searching for main data checksum offsets...OK
 Main Checksums:
 1) 0x010002-0x013FFE CalcCSM: 0013277F
 2) 0x014252-0x017F4E CalcCSM: 002C2DF7
 3) 0x018192-0x01FBDC CalcCSM: 00495810
 4) 0x026A00-0x02FFFC CalcCSM: 00BA4FC8
 @9e0da CSM: 00BA4FC8 CalcCSM: 00BA4FC8  Main data checksum OK

Step #6: Reading Main Program Checksums ..
 Searching for main program checksum..OK
 ROM Checksum Block Offset Table @1fb74 [16 bytes]:
 1) 0x000000-0x00FBFF CalcChk: 48CFE312
    0x00FC00-0x01FFFF CalcChk: 23EDBA43 CalcCRC: E5AD9EB8 SKIPPED
 2) 0x020000-0x0FFFFF
    <fffe0>  Chk: 02F56348 CalcChk: 02F56348 OK (i)

Step #7: Reading Multipoint Checksum Blocks ..
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #1...missing
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #2...OK
 1) <1fbde>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0FA0F5CF Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 2) <1fbee>  0x004000-0x007FFF Chk: 0F4716B3 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 3) <1fbfe>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0FA0F4D5 CalcChk: 0FA0F4D5 OK
 4) <1fc0e>  0x004000-0x007FFF Chk: 0F4716B3 CalcChk: 0F4716B3 OK
 Multipoint #2: [66 blocks x <16> = 1056 bytes]

*** Found 70 checksums in D:\Documents and Settings\Titan\Desktop\VW GTI Flashes

*** ABORTING! 1 uncorrectable error(s) in D:\Documents and Settings\Titan\Deskto
p\VW GTI Flashes\LPSteevareeno_chked.bin! ***

D:\Documents and Settings\Titan>

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 04:13:20 PM
heres my orig and my modded that doesn't pass. keep getting an uncorrectable error on me7sum. me7checker accepts it tho

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: nyet on December 18, 2015, 04:37:51 PM
heres my orig and my modded that doesn't pass. keep getting an uncorrectable error on me7sum. me7checker accepts it tho

< 00000000: fa00 7064 fa82 0400 fa00 1867 fa82 0c00  ..pd.......g....
> 00000000: 0000 7064 fa82 0400 fa00 1867 fa82 0c00  ..pd.......g....

Why did you zero out the first byte?

Title: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 04:40:31 PM
Don't know how that happened.? Just used tunerpro to modify then saved. How do i fix it?

Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: nyet on December 18, 2015, 04:49:48 PM
Don't know how that happened.? Just used tunerpro to modify then saved. How do i fix it?

Fix the first damn byte.

Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 06:08:42 PM
I found out that when i am done tuning, i check the hex editor and everythings fine, as soon as i save and reopen the bin its got all those zero's. I did not add them

Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 18, 2015, 06:11:08 PM
Whoever gave me the xdf gave me one with a patch called obd no read, don't know if that has something to do with it. None of the other xdfs i have seen have that.

Title: Re:
Post by: adam- on December 19, 2015, 01:40:07 AM
Please learn how to use command prompt. Too many people are just dragging and dropping. You did not specify an output file.

Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: nyet on December 19, 2015, 02:38:45 AM
I love to know why people are using a OBD no-read patch that kills byte 0 when they have NO FUCKING CLUE what it does.

Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: adam- on December 19, 2015, 02:43:16 AM
But its no-read?  You want to protect your files Nyet!

Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: smcgeorge on December 19, 2015, 07:29:31 AM
Found Solution. The problem came from my method of using me7sum. It was actually changing the file and making it unusable. The simplest way i have found is to 1- drag me7sum into cmd, 2- space bar, 3-drag bin into cmd, 4 space bar, then 5- drag a second bin to write to or original to change it in place.

My problem was i was just putting the single file like you would with me7check.
Ireally appreciate all the help and quick responses. Thanks.

Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: nyet on December 19, 2015, 11:20:57 AM
Found Solution. The problem came from my method of using me7sum. It was actually changing the file and making it unusable

As far as I know there is no way of "changing the file and making it unusable".

Use a command line w/o all the idiotic mouse stuff and you'll be fine.

cd dir
me7sum in.bin out.bin


Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: dream3R on December 19, 2015, 11:39:23 AM
change it back :)

Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: adam- on December 20, 2015, 07:52:13 AM
Use a command line w/o all the idiotic mouse stuff and you'll be fine.

This.  Not sure where all this drag and drop stuff has come from all of a sudden.

Title: Re: ME7Sum: ** ERROR! First word is zero... corrupted bin? **
Post by: SB_GLI on December 20, 2015, 07:39:40 PM
This.  Not sure where all this drag and drop stuff has come from all of a sudden.

My plan worked.  muhahaa