
Noob Zone => Noob Questions => Topic started by: mattytdi on February 10, 2016, 08:12:09 PM

Title: XDF Making a table make sense...?
Post by: mattytdi on February 10, 2016, 08:12:09 PM
Good eve all.!!
With the help of the forum I have enjoyed immense gains from my 05 b6 A4 1.8TQ. Thank you all for the knowledge you have made available!! I'm decent with modifying and tuning cars, but working in the ME7.5 is a different world...!! :) Most (all) of my tuning experience has been with stand-alone systems, hence pretty straight forward, or at least easy to understand the entries you are making.

Recently I installed a gt2860 eliminator which I rebuilt and installed a billet 11 blade comp wheel.
I'm only pushing the car to 17psi atm, but with that turbo... it's plenty for a stock motor... :) The car pulls surprisingly hard..!! :)

I read on the Eurodyne forum about tuning for earlier throttle opening, helping to reduce lag.
I found the parameter table being KFWDKMSX
The challenge being: how do you make a chart of very random seeming parameters make sense..?
The X & Y axis make little sense to me, and are in random order, as a result the same would be said for the table values...
I would love to find an xdf the simplifies this parameter, or, learn to make sense of the table I have...
Thanks for taking the time to help, very much appreciated!

Title: Re: XDF Making a table make sense...?
Post by: mattytdi on February 10, 2016, 09:44:14 PM
I have much to learn!! :)
I have found an xdf file, which looks to be a very nicely defined file. Looks as though it'll be  a nice one to work with.
It's throttle address table KFWDKMSX has vales of 0.00 in both x & y axis, resulting of course in 0.00 throughout the table.
Can anyone tell me how to configure the axis to make this table more straight forward..?
I wish this car was drive by cable...worked well on numerous cars for many

Title: Re: XDF Making a table make sense...?
Post by: giles92 on February 16, 2016, 05:41:34 PM
Whatt file are you using? The map is in 16 bit and LSB First is checked. You need the hex address for the map. You may have the right address but settings wrong. The conversion for the map data is .001526*x. Thats from a me7.5 1.8t file. If you dont get it figured out post your bin and ill take a look.

Title: Re: XDF Making a table make sense...?
Post by: nyet on February 16, 2016, 08:10:43 PM
I doubt the xdf you are using goes with your bin.

Title: Re: XDF Making a table make sense...?
Post by: mattytdi on February 28, 2016, 08:34:52 PM
Thanks for getting back to me, and my apologies for the delayed reply, I found a suited xdf file for my set up, and it has made night and day difference in my progress... getting the bugs worked out, put the cam in full time advance... this car has never felt better!! Thanks again for your guidance with the software!!
Here's a quick question, sorry if it goes away from the topic... Engine load desired using the bin and xdf I am using tops out at 255... what limits this number from going any higher? I've noticed s4 charts achieve a much higher value..

Title: Re: XDF Making a table make sense...?
Post by: nyet on February 28, 2016, 10:27:00 PM
rl vs rl_w

Title: Re: XDF Making a table make sense...?
Post by: mattytdi on February 29, 2016, 09:03:42 PM
Thanks again Nyet!