
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: eliotroyano on February 23, 2016, 05:12:19 PM

Title: AFR Behaviour. Some advice is welcome
Post by: eliotroyano on February 23, 2016, 05:12:19 PM
Well friends maybe you will think that I am nuts or losing my time but I need some advice that help me to look how to solve an old problem that I have been trying to deal with since a really good time.

The attached pics shows you 3 zones of AFR(purple), boost (blue), RPM (black), EGT (red) & oil pressure (green) of my datalog system.
In these pics I have remarked a zone where AFR changes abruptly (almost -1.0 AFR) aprox. in the same area all time under boost. These problem is M383 related and not ME7 one but I attempt to post it here because here is talented and experienced people that could give a clue or advice what that weird behaviour could be related to. I have looking all maps and functions I know without luck also. Looks like some kind of ECU protection or parameter that forces more fuel in an factor form.

Attached you will find all the stuff related to a long datalog (time matched). (

 Then do you know or have seen that kind of behaviour before? what can cause it? Any map or factor?

Title: Re: AFR Behaviour. Some advice is welcome
Post by: prj on February 23, 2016, 06:59:29 PM
Yes, it's either BTS or you are maxing load at start.

Title: Re: AFR Behaviour. Some advice is welcome
Post by: eliotroyano on February 23, 2016, 07:47:38 PM
Yes, it's either BTS or you are maxing load at start.

PRJ really thanks for your time to answer. About my problem I was thinking same thing but I have been looking deeply without luck. It will be awesome if you can give some light about this. Until now I have done this (load related):
- KFFA map all down,
- KFLF load axis extended to 12ms and whole map adapted,
- KFLUL & KFLUL2 set to max load,
- KFMLDMX map tweaked to allow more airflow (Kg/H),
- KFZW load axis extended to 12ms and whole map adapted,
- LDSMXN tweaked to accept max load.

Also here are log extracts of each AFR log view previously indicated (excel format), Log1, Log2 & Log3. In general max load barely pass 10.5ms.

Title: Re: AFR Behaviour. Some advice is welcome
Post by: Dropout on May 29, 2016, 12:57:09 PM
eliotroyano , what map is KFFA in my file I can only find KFFAVL which is set to zeros. To me it also looks like BTS enrichment, I'll try to put the wideband on my car this coming weekend and see is I have similar behavior .  Also as PRJ said have you logged load when this happens ?

P.S. what logger are you using ?

Title: Re: AFR Behaviour. Some advice is welcome
Post by: eliotroyano on May 29, 2016, 06:37:06 PM
eliotroyano , what map is KFFA in my file I can only find KFFAVL which is set to zeros. To me it also looks like BTS enrichment, I'll try to put the wideband on my car this coming weekend and see is I have similar behavior .  Also as PRJ said have you logged load when this happens ? P.S. what logger are you using ?

KFFA is Kennfeld für Anfettung zum Kat-Schutz bei ständig hohem tL. I am using an Innovate Motorsports Datalogger and VCDS. I have logged load when this issue happends and I have saw it from almost 10ms of LOAD and every load value above it. It appear just after turbo boost ramp finish. I could come from 12.5,12,11.5:1 AFR and all time AFR is around 10,10.5:1 at the step.

Title: Re: AFR Behaviour. Some advice is welcome
Post by: Dropout on June 01, 2016, 12:40:19 AM
Interesting, I can't find it on any of the map packs I have, at what address is it ? Have you tried to set it to 0 to see if it effects the fueling ?

Another question, have you have the situation where the knock corrections are 0 but the car run with less ignition timing than specified in the maps ? Last night I logged a friends car (me3.8 AGU) and it was running with 4-5 degrees retarded compared to the map values (specified 16.5, actual 11), knock correction where 0 according to the log, and there were no error thrown. Intake air temps where high 55-70 degrees celsius so perhaps the retard is temp. related ?

Title: Re: AFR Behaviour. Some advice is welcome
Post by: overspeed on June 01, 2016, 05:10:36 AM

Another question, have you have the situation where the knock corrections are 0 but the car run with less ignition timing than specified in the maps ? Last night I logged a friends car (me3.8 AGU) and it was running with 4-5 degrees retarded compared to the map values (specified 16.5, actual 11), knock correction where 0 according to the log, and there were no error thrown. Intake air temps where high 55-70 degrees celsius so perhaps the retard is temp. related ?

For sure it´s IAT correction

Title: Re: AFR Behaviour. Some advice is welcome
Post by: eliotroyano on June 01, 2016, 05:23:22 AM
Interesting, I can't find it on any of the map packs I have, at what address is it ? Have you tried to set it to 0 to see if it effects the fueling ?
In my 06A906018CG ECU is at $07F68. I already have it all values at zero. I still have the AFR issue. You will find more info in this thread --> (

Another question, have you have the situation where the knock corrections are 0 but the car run with less ignition timing than specified in the maps ? Last night I logged a friends car (me3.8 AGU) and it was running with 4-5 degrees retarded compared to the map values (specified 16.5, actual 11), knock correction where 0 according to the log, and there were no error thrown. Intake air temps where high 55-70 degrees celsius so perhaps the retard is temp. related ?
I have notice that too. It should be related to high intake air temps. There are a pair of maps that could affect ignition timing according to intake air temps. KFZWNA (Zündwinkelkorrekturkennfeld) at $0AFA1 and WANS (Ansauglufttemperatur abhängige Zündwinkelkorrektur) at $0B01E, both in my 06A906018CG ECU. If you look at KFZWNA you will notice -4.5° ignition timing around 60°C IATs.

Title: Re: AFR Behaviour. Some advice is welcome
Post by: Dropout on June 01, 2016, 06:46:38 AM
Overspeed & eliotroyano , thank you !   That's what I suspected .