
Technical => Reverse Engineering => Topic started by: Teitek on July 28, 2016, 03:04:31 PM

Title: MED17 Ram Variables / Measure Blocks
Post by: Teitek on July 28, 2016, 03:04:31 PM

I'm trying to locate some RAMs variables in MED17, for example:


In MED17 exists the same table that MED9 described by Basano in this post:

I don't found the Table with the Internal ECU Variables.

Is difficult locate RAM variables in MED17 because this work at bits level, and are diferent between softwares, for example in one software, b_kuppl is located in address 0xD000004A bit 7 but in other software could be located in address 0xD000014A bit 3.

A good solution could be locate this Internal ECU Variables but i don't found this table.

If someone have any idea, i will be gratefully

Thank you and sorry  for my  english.