
Technical => Tuning => Topic started by: untilnow on January 13, 2019, 04:34:08 PM

Title: help with NOLRA
Post by: untilnow on January 13, 2019, 04:34:08 PM
I want to disable STFTs for FKKVS correction

Posting was a last resort as I have trawled everywhere I can find but I cannot figure out how to modify NOLRA, I have 3 different addresses for it on the 032HN from various def files with values;
0x18DD8 = 4
0x18DF6 = 150
0x18D76 = 173

1. I don't know which is correct and 2. I've seen various conflicting information on how to edit it (numerically, hex bits etc???)

Title: Re: help with NOLRA
Post by: untilnow on January 13, 2019, 04:45:49 PM
file and def attached