
Technical => Reverse Engineering => Topic started by: amd is the best on February 20, 2020, 10:34:57 AM

Title: Rear O2 delete - VCDS 16520 and 16540 Which codewoard/s?
Post by: amd is the best on February 20, 2020, 10:34:57 AM
Hello all,

I am struggling to code out the complete removal of rear O2's on my 2001 A4 2.8 (3B0907551BQ 354164 v0001). I am using uuhsk_2 for wideband input for what that's worth.

The struggle is two fold, I don't have an official definition for my binary. I do have two that are close however Prokonal bits don't line up. And on top of that, I don't know I'm getting all the right info for which codewords to set, even if I had the binary defined properly.

So, with that said, what codeword or codewords are responsible for VCDS 16520 and 16540?

ESKONF has been modified properly for HSH and LSHHK.


Ori file attached.

Oxygen sensor never passes and oddly enough, evap doesn't pass either but it did before removing the rear O2's.

Thanks in advance!