Whats up everyone, i need some expertise
I have a 2004 A4 on which I broke the rfid chip inside the key fob. SAFE was being displayed on where the milage reading should be. So my first thought was to try a immo off using the tools on the website( me7_95040.exe and eeprom tool). Now i was trying to use the 95040 argdub tool but I dont know which command to use to change baud rate, so I did some digging and used this command --OBD -rp3 immo.bin, but i kept getting " Initiating Communication ... FAIL (0x07).It would detect my correct comport and display opening COM3...OK. I think it might be because of the baudrate. How do I go by changing that? Also should I be bench flashing instead of trying to do it while the ECU is in the car?<----- Since it is displaying safe on odometer