KFLDHBN - What is turbo pressure ratio and how to convert it to pressure? (boost + ambient, in bar)
pressure ratio is typically turbo outlet/inlet pressure. There is no "easy" calculation for what you want. At minimum, you have to figure out intake drop (filter etc.) before inlet, and IC and throttle plate drop before intake manifold. You could assume all are zero. But really you should probably learn a bit more about how FI systems are designed first. Motronic does all these calculations. You could log all the appropriate values (once you've figured out what they're called and where they are).
RLKRLDA - What does this map? Google translate gave me "rl threshold for slow LDR-intervention (adaptation)". What is "rl" and "SLOW (FAST?) LDR-intervention"??
If i had to guess, fast is throttle plate closure, slow is wastegate intervention (possibly through PID set point decrease) or direct N75 signal intervention (unlikely)
KFTARX, KFTARXZK - I've set those maps to 1's. Anyone else thinks that this is really useless to limit your load based on IAT? Are there better strategies??
All my opinions on the matter are on the s4wiki.
And KFKHFM. How can I convert it's values to % to know how much it enriches/leans AFR and that way to fix part throttle trims?
Don't guess, log