I have found some Android app called VAG-UDS which claims to work with Bluetooth ELM327 dongles but doesn't really seem to get any measuring block info. However, it seems to be able to connect to all of the control units I was able to connect to (evident by flashing ABS light when tried to connect it to ABS CU) plus to CAN Gateway. I have recorded a Bluetooth sniff log and it looks like it goes to 0x1F address instead. When I tried to open a diag session with my software and read control unit info, I got:
`1K0907530R 0062BJ533 Gateway H06 `
Which seems to be a J533 Diagnostic CAN Gateway:
https://www.jimellisvwparts.com/products/Volkswagen-VW/Tiguan/Diagnosis-interface-for-data-bus-gateway-CONTROL-UNIT-AGREED-TERM-J533/5191743/1K0907530AE.htmlhttp://www.volkspage.net/technik/ssp/ssp/SSP_307_d2.pdfInterestingly, in most of the Control unit descriptions I saw it was supposed to be a satellite tuner. Perhaps in some cars CAN Gateway can be accessible at 0x1F address instead of 0x19.
Let's see if I'm able to get a list of installed control units from the gateway.