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Author Topic: Recurring "Boot_mode... FAIL... No response from ECU. (error=0x07)"  (Read 2096 times)

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Hey there, fresh noob. I've been reading a lot here and on other forums trying to delete the immobilizer on my new-to-me 2005 Jetta. The ECU is a Bosch ME7.1.1, and I'm connecting via a Ross-Tech HEX+CAN cable to my windows 7 laptop through a bench cable with pin 121 on the small connector also attached to 12v. (I used the following threads for reference, here and here. The only other thing I've done is add a 1k ohm resistor in my jumper wire that I'm connecting to the ECU boot pin for 5 seconds during power on, but I'm starting to realize perhaps that's not necessary? If it's only grounding, I don't see what the point in the extra resistance would be.

Nonetheless, I'm able to connect to the ECU with VCDS. I have the VCP drivers installed for the cable set to port 3 with intelligent bootmode disabled. ME7 is able to read the cable and connect to port 3, but I keep getting the error code "Boot_mode... FAIL... No response from ECU. (error=0x07)." As far as I know I'm correctly entering bootmode (unless the resistor is causing problems), although I get errors when I trying to connect using --OBD as well.

It seems there are a lot of different methods out there as far as jumping terminals on the ECU goes, but the only thing I've done is add a short wire to the board for grounding as show in the photo below.

Attached is my error message in command prompt. I've tried all different baud rates with no luck either. Thanks to the community in advance.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 11:42:36 AM by Chowlie » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2023, 10:20:24 AM »

And because I can't find the "edit" button, I've tried all different baud rates with no luck either.

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« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2023, 02:15:43 PM »

Ok, just got done reading this thread. Seems maybe I'm just SOL trying to use the HEX+CAN cable?

More errors attached.

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« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2023, 11:40:42 AM »

Very good update here - I added an external power switch to my bench harness to simulate turning on the ignition switch, and I'm now able to read my ECU with ME7eeprom tool.


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« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2023, 11:49:30 AM »

My first attempt was without using pin selection and failed. (attachment error message 4)

The second time I added --CSpin P4.7 and it successfully dumped the file. (message 5)

The only problem with this is that the file itself is empty. There doesn't seem to be any data there. (attachment hex values)

So now I'm going back to see what other pin values I can enter. I haven't really researched this part of the process at all yet.


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« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2023, 12:47:24 PM »

I tried Pins 8.2 and 6.3. Pin 8.2 didn't give me anything, but I did get a little more info from 6.3, although it's still not the right file. Can anybody give me a suggestion on what pin to try, or how to determine the right one? Also attached is a photo of my ECU board.

Just for kicks I tried this on an identical ECU from a 2008 rabbit, my first one is from a 2005 Jetta. Oddly enough it refuses to read it at all.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 03:05:17 PM by Chowlie » Logged

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« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2023, 03:16:52 PM »

Well it hasn't been a total waste of time so far. I was able to retrieve the SKC from the file I pulled at --bootmode 95160 P6.3 and VCDS accepted it.


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« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2023, 05:47:50 AM »

Well, it seems I was wrong and the file I pulled was the right one after all!

This morning I figured out that the Willem GQ-4x4 EEPROM burner I've been using for my B4 TDI chips is natively compatible with the 95160 eeprom on the back of the ME711. It was tedious, but I soldered 8 jumper wires to the chip (of a different ECU I had from a 2008 Rabbit) and stuffed them in my burner. It happily read the file and I was able to make the necessary changes to disable immo.

Comparing the file I dumped from the 2008 ECU vs the file from the 2005 ECU I retrieved via ME7EEPROM, they seem to be the same length and format. So I think I can call this mission successful. I'm still stumped as to why ME7 refuses to read the 2008 ECU, however. At least I know I have a backup now if necessary, by reading the chip itself.

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