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Posts: 78
« on: May 13, 2020, 10:18:17 PM »
Hi all, apologies for a noob question. I was looking at some file produced by exporting Damos (or WinOLS?) file and can't quite figure out the location of the map in question in the binary file as well as how the data is arranged (i.e., row by row or column by column). Here're the value from that file: Name "maximum allowed torque at clutch due to torque limitation depending on gear ratio by AT (ip_tq_pow_max_at[1])" IdName NA FolderName "TQ_based_ENG_power_LIM__D00W: \"\"Torque based engine power limitation\"\"" Type "eZweiInv" ViewMode "eViewText" RWin "eBars" DataOrg "eLoHi" bReciprocal "0" bSigned "0" bDelta "0" bPercent "0" bOriginal "0" bOriginalValues "0" Columns "10" Rows "12" Radix "10" Comment NA Precision "3" SkipBytes "0" Fieldvalues.Name NA Fieldvalues.Unit "Nm" Fieldvalues.Factor "0.03125" Fieldvalues.Offset "0" Fieldvalues.StartAddr "$561E4" AxisX.Name "Common gear, independent from AT or MT" AxisX.IdName "gear" AxisX.Unit "-" AxisX.Factor "1" AxisX.Offset "0" AxisX.Radix "10" AxisX.bBackwards "0" AxisX.bReciprocal "0" AxisX.bSigned "0" AxisX.Precision "3" AxisX.DataSrc "eRom" AxisX.DataHeader "0" AxisX.DataAddr "$457FD" AxisX.DataOrg "eByte" AxisX.SignatureByte "0x-1" AxisX.SkipBytes "0" AxisY.Name "Engine speed- resolution 1rpm" AxisY.IdName "n" AxisY.Unit "rpm" AxisY.Factor "1" AxisY.Offset "0" AxisY.Radix "10" AxisY.bBackwards "0" AxisY.bReciprocal "0" AxisY.bSigned "0" AxisY.Precision "3" AxisY.DataSrc "eRom" AxisY.DataHeader "0" AxisY.DataAddr "$55896" AxisY.DataOrg "eLoHi" AxisY.SignatureByte "0x-1" AxisY.SkipBytes "0" Appreciate in advance. Btw, where do I start with all the file formats and tools? I know there's a very detailed getting started guide for ME7.1, but is there any guide for a first-timer to get into tuning and learn how to look at the ECUs in general?