Been searching for some time in my S6 & RS6 damos but cannot seem to find the correct maps for the charge cooling pump for the RS6/RS7 models.
In the simos8.5 ecu's it is called:
"Dutycycle for control of coolant water pump, based on intake air temperature down charger"
"Dutycycle for control of coolant water pump, based on manifold pressure"
In the MED17.5.25 mapes like:
"Ansteuerwert wenn Ladeluftkühler-Druckdifferenz zu hoch"
"Bei Überschreiten des Schwellwertes wird die Pumpe 2 dauerhaft angesteuert"
Are effective to have the charge air pump running for most of the time, so the charge air temp will be much lower (in the OEM state the charge air pump will almost immediately stop running when you lift the throttle so the next time you will start a new WOT acceleration the charge air temp will still be 50+ degrees).
In the RS6 MED17.1.1 ecu I can find this map:
Berechnung der Kühlanforderung für Ladeluftkühlung
However it is located around a lot of fan-control maps, so I really doubt that this is the correct map.
Is there someone here that has tested this modification to the S6/S7/RS6/RS7 models? Thanks!