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Author Topic: Need help finding and setting SY_LBK system constant to 0  (Read 1968 times)

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« on: July 18, 2021, 07:31:53 PM »

I hope to find some guidance, maybe words of wisdom, any input would be appreciated. VAG MED17.1 Audi A4 B8 running Integrated engineering intake. Charge flap is gone.  Need to set SY_LBK system constant to zero as well as SY_HSP hopefully as well to 0, or need a way to set codewords in such way to fool the system in calculating charge velocity and disabling homogeneous split injection. I'm using WinOLS to change  processor data contains. Not savvy with IDA. 

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« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2021, 01:00:11 PM »

I hope to find some guidance, maybe words of wisdom, any input would be appreciated. VAG MED17.1 Audi A4 B8 running Integrated engineering intake. Charge flap is gone.  Need to set SY_LBK system constant to zero as well as SY_HSP hopefully as well to 0, or need a way to set codewords in such way to fool the system in calculating charge velocity and disabling homogeneous split injection. I'm using WinOLS to change  processor data contains. Not savvy with IDA.  


SY stuff is compile time afaik, atleast with me7.

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« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2021, 06:32:02 PM »

Thank you. Understood. Is there any workarounds, or settings that would force LBK>0 calculations to be avoided? Should the routine check what the system constant is (not sure just wondering).

Any at all information is much, much appreciated!     
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