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Author Topic: Change Power Class , VIN and Brand in Simos 18.10  (Read 2611 times)

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« on: June 24, 2021, 07:32:18 AM »

Hello , is anybody able to change the power class , vin and brand in Simos 18.10 ecu and what is the price for the service? I have flash and eeprom from new /used/ ECU and Flash + full restore X17 from old one. I know after i need online IMMO adaptation. Attached are EEPROM and Flash from new /used/ ECU


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« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2021, 08:32:13 AM »

99.9% sure you don't need to pay for this if you have bench tools and GeKo online access.

Reprogram the ECU on the bench with a file containing the correct power class for the new car (DATA_ImoDat.Imo_idxTun0X_C_VW and correct codiermatrix/pclass calibration), clear EEPROM (DFLASH), and put the ECU into the target/new car, you will need to use GeKo to adapt and exit IMMO, but I don't see why it wouldn't let you.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2021, 11:01:40 AM by d3irb » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2021, 12:10:32 PM »

99.9% sure you don't need to pay for this if you have bench tools and GeKo online access.

Reprogram the ECU on the bench with a file containing the correct power class for the new car (DATA_ImoDat.Imo_idxTun0X_C_VW and correct codiermatrix/pclass calibration), clear EEPROM (DFLASH), and put the ECU into the target/new car, you will need to use GeKo to adapt and exit IMMO, but I don't see why it wouldn't let you.

Hello and thanks for your help. What you mean with clear eeprom/DFLASH/ ? Put FFs on all the content or i need to put FFs only on some strings in the file to make it virgin?
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