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Author Topic: ABS comm issues after cluster swap  (Read 2635 times)

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« on: July 18, 2021, 11:18:47 PM »

Chasing down an issue after cloning and swapping a new cluster into my B5.5.

Original cluster from 2003 V6 (3b0 920 907 B - VDO V08) was cloned to a W8 cluster (3b7 920 946 E - VDO V09) of the same year. When installed to the car, 3 codes are present in the VCDS Scan

In ABS module -
01203 -  Electrical connection between ABS and Instrument Cluster - Open or Short to Ground

In 17 Instrument and 19 Gateway
01316 - ABS Control Module - No communication

When I swap the stock cluster , all ABS related codes disappear.

The ABS module is fine and already been repaired, and while the codes are present with w8 cluster installed, they don't make the abs or brake light flash, or effect driving performance.

They are ghost codes sitting in address 03, 17, and 19. Instantly return when cleared in VCDS.

As the codes are only present in those 3 areas, I assumed it was something related to the clusters just can't determine if it's an issue with the eeprom coding, or a hardware issue with the cluster itself.

Will attach VCDS logs with both clustered installed.

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« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2021, 07:59:21 PM »

here are vcds logs
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