Fucking get inn!!!! Shes alive!
Steps taken:
Read the main ecu flash and eeprom file from ecu using galletto proper english version and ftdi cable with exe modified, whilst in bootmode.
Disabled the immo using me7logger eeprom tools and wrote those changes back. (not sure if this made a difference, i was hoping it would make nefmoto flasher work but it didnt, still gettting security errors)
modified the bin file using hextor from github with the search string mentioned in
http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=6719.0 corrected checksums using me7sum and saved to new bin file
wrote new modified bin file to ecu using galletto in bootmode as above
car starts again and hopefully now the fun can begin with trying to make a definition file for the original ecu bin and making datalogs/tunes etc for it.
i will post my original bin file and modified file over in the bin section as i struggled to find an original one(if i ended up needing it, luckily i didnt) for my exact software version etc.
Massive props to you all for making and maintaining these tools over the years, and all the information available here. It's insane. I was literally so close to just making a pnp standalone ecu for it and sacking off the stock ecu, but for now she stays!