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Author Topic: Golf mk4 VWK503 cluster - fuel clap light  (Read 2979 times)

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« on: July 31, 2023, 09:59:39 PM »

Hello everyone here, this is my first question so please be nice  Grin

is it possible to make this light functional on the VWK503 cluster inside the eeprom values? Originally from Audi A4/B6 maybe B7 for the USA, the light indicates an open fuel flap.

My idea is to add a micro switch to the fuel flap door, and make a wire to the dashboard, and if the fuel flap is open, on the Maxidot it will be indicated by a light in the right corner like on the Audi.
Cluster is VWK503, 3U0920841A from Superb (because I have icon-sweep)

Thanks everyone for any tips! Smiley
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