Convert the map and your base boost to a pressure ratio and populate accordingly.
To be sure that I understand you correctly, I'll ask you with specific calculation steps:
To calculate the values for 600-970 hPa at 3500 rpm, I proceed as follows:
I use the original value at 3500 rpm and 1010 hPa. So the value is 1540.4688 mBar:
Now I calculate the pressure ratio by using my new base boost, in my case 1770 mBar at 1010 hPa and 3500 rpm.
This results in a pressure ratio of 1770 / 1540.4688 = 1.14900088.
Now I calculate all values for 600-970 hPa at 3500 rpm by multiplying the original values with the pressure ratio. The result:
921.0938 * 1.14900088 = 1058.3376
1074.5703 * 1.14900088 = 1234.6822
1151.3281 * 1.14900088 = 1322.877
1228.0859 * 1.14900088 = 1411.0718
1304.8438 * 1.14900088 = 1499.2667
1381.6016 * 1.14900088 = 1587.4614
1484.0625 * 1.14900088 = 1705.1891
If I want to calculate the values at 1750 rpm, I calculate the pressure ratio again. In my case 1150 / 1293.0469 = 0.8893722
Now I calculate all values for 600-970 hPa at 1750 rpm by multiplying the original values with the pressure ratio. The result:
921.0938 * 0.8893722 = 693.88403
1074.5703 * 0.8893722 = 805.4725
1151.3281 * 0.8893722 = 861.23196
1228.0859 * 0.8893722 = 917.02619
1304.8438 * 0.8893722 = 972.82033
1381.6016 * 0.8893722 = 1026.3911
1484.0625 * 0.8893722 = 1102.8216
And so on and so forth. Is that correct?