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Author Topic: Simos 6.3 - 6576615379 4F0910552R - Audi A6 C6 2.4 177 hp - Stationary Rev Limit  (Read 663 times)

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Posts: 8

I'm looking for a definition file for the SIMOS 6.3 ECU (6576615379 4F0910552R 0010) or similar version.
Partically I need the location of the stationary rev limiter that is at about 4000 rpm that I want to change.
Maybe someone can help me out and point me to the right direction?

Bench read is attached.

Karma: +0/-1
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Posts: 8

Anyone? The rev limiter could be also at 3800 rpm. Hard to tell. It's crazy how no informations are on the internet for that particular ECU.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2024, 07:35:52 AM by EcuMan » Logged
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