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Author Topic: Tuning fileservice  (Read 6940 times)

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« on: September 16, 2024, 02:51:29 PM »


Is there anyone nowadays offering quality fileservice mostly for European cars? I do not want rubbish 50 EUR files. I have basic knowledge and most of these "tuners" are just sending flat % files which is absolute scam.

I am looking for someone who can actually tune by logs and vehicle condition dependant.
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« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2024, 07:54:23 AM »

Can you define “European cars”
Depending on what you are looking for I might be able to assist you.

Purchase Tuned Files Ready To Be FlashedFor Audi / VW 1.8T & 2.0T Engines ➡️ TUNEDBYV3@GMAIL.COMSend Me An Email Now And Save BIG On A Performance Tuned File
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« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2024, 09:48:29 AM »


Is there anyone nowadays offering quality fileservice mostly for European cars? I do not want rubbish 50 EUR files. I have basic knowledge and most of these "tuners" are just sending flat % files which is absolute scam.

I am looking for someone who can actually tune by logs and vehicle condition dependant.

Individual tuning is time consuming task - you may not find single name covering all cars - so better mention what ecu/engine/car you have in mind to get valuable response.

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« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2024, 01:08:08 PM »

Can you define “European cars”
Depending on what you are looking for I might be able to assist you.

VAG, BMW, Mercedes petrol/diesel engines mostly if defined that way.

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« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2024, 01:11:09 PM »

Individual tuning is time consuming task - you may not find single name covering all cars - so better mention what ecu/engine/car you have in mind to get valuable response.

Of course it is time consuming this is why it costs money not 20 euros, this is not the case. I "defined" it in previous post now.
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« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2024, 10:44:25 PM »

Why not do it like everyone and buy from winols reseller database for cheap money from countries where they have to drive 120km/h max.
If the A6 3L Competition Diesel dies because of 30min++ 200km/h++ and too much of egt then just blame the customer and you are good to go.
If someone wants his egr, adblue or dpf deactivated just use some cracked one-click tool from the internet and kill all the dtcs because 90% of the "tuners" to it like this.


In reality its hard to find a trustworthy businessparner to send you master files if you dont have the knowledge to rate his work.

It starts by where are you from and which fileprice is acceptable in your 1st or 3rd world country.
Do you have a dayjob and can only flash, drive and log in your evening ours.
Are your evening ours your tuners office ours because of timezones.

just ask in a facebook group and ignore everyone who is answerking because "Wherever there is a trough, the pigs gather there"


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« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2024, 02:29:47 AM »

Why not do it like everyone and buy from winols reseller database for cheap money from countries where they have to drive 120km/h max.
If the A6 3L Competition Diesel dies because of 30min++ 200km/h++ and too much of egt then just blame the customer and you are good to go.
If someone wants his egr, adblue or dpf deactivated just use some cracked one-click tool from the internet and kill all the dtcs because 90% of the "tuners" to it like this.


In reality its hard to find a trustworthy businessparner to send you master files if you dont have the knowledge to rate his work.

It starts by where are you from and which fileprice is acceptable in your 1st or 3rd world country.
Do you have a dayjob and can only flash, drive and log in your evening ours.
Are your evening ours your tuners office ours because of timezones.

just ask in a facebook group and ignore everyone who is answerking because "Wherever there is a trough, the pigs gather there"

The first part of exactly how I do not want it to be done. Facebook group is only good also for the first part you mentioned.

I own myself many master tools no clone trash, I respect developers and quality - also logging capabilities and license for OLS5. This is where it comes to play I have checked on some providers and it is always the same pattern even for simpler bosch ecus it is flat percentage button smashing for cheap price. Price is not the problem I respect the time, quality and work effort put into files. I am from Europe and daytime of course - if you ask that.

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« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2024, 11:45:20 PM »

Quote from: Caffee1337
The first part of exactly how I do not want it to be done. Facebook group is only good also for the first part you mentioned.

I own myself many master tools no clone trash, I respect developers and quality - also logging capabilities and license for OLS5. This is where it comes to play I have checked on some providers and it is always the same pattern even for simpler bosch ecus it is flat percentage button smashing for cheap price. Price is not the problem I respect the time, quality and work effort put into files. I am from Europe and daytime of course - if you ask that.

The market has totally messed up. There is no reasonable way to sell good and precis work. Too many one-time-buyers that dissappears when they get the solution for what tuner has made countless working hours and nights. I mean they buy only difficult ones. Almost all the tuning file business has moved those readymade portals where they sell readymade 5% this and 8% that modified files. Sounds grazy but but even bigger name, worse quality. Flat maps, a lot of safety mechanism deaktivated, torque calculation mismatching, so on, so on.  Meanwhile they market on FB and SickTok just to get as many customer as possible. All that just wasted money for buyer.

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« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2024, 02:43:40 AM »

My experience is that you can not buy anything good online. Does not exist.
Those who make anything even remotely decent also have their own dealer network and do not sell outside it.
Most of the stuff online is people doing random % changes without ever having been in a such car.

That said, because I quit tuning I started dumping my WinOLS database slowly to my files site.
But because I don't do anything custom (it's simply file database), then it's not useful for anyone who wants a service. And not useful for anyone who wants to tune the latest cars, since the newest stuff is from 2021.

Hence, all I can say is - either find a good brand to join as a dealer - but of course forget getting 70 or 80% of the profit, your margin will probably be around 20-30%. Or learn to do it yourself.
The problem with doing it yourself is the huge investment in Damos, FR and of course time. At least I made proper logging possible now without having to use cracked dev tools and having to manually patch files and find variables.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2024, 02:45:33 AM by prj » Logged

PM's will not be answered, so don't even try.
Log your car properly - WinOLS database - Tools/patches

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« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2024, 02:25:09 AM »

My experience is that you can not buy anything good online. Does not exist.
Those who make anything even remotely decent also have their own dealer network and do not sell outside it.
Most of the stuff online is people doing random % changes without ever having been in a such car.

That said, because I quit tuning I started dumping my WinOLS database slowly to my files site.
But because I don't do anything custom (it's simply file database), then it's not useful for anyone who wants a service. And not useful for anyone who wants to tune the latest cars, since the newest stuff is from 2021.

Hence, all I can say is - either find a good brand to join as a dealer - but of course forget getting 70 or 80% of the profit, your margin will probably be around 20-30%. Or learn to do it yourself.
The problem with doing it yourself is the huge investment in Damos, FR and of course time. At least I made proper logging possible now without having to use cracked dev tools and having to manually patch files and find variables.

Yes, I saw the winols database since I already use your product VehiCAL, but as you said it is not really useful as a service - but all in all very much effort has put into it describing when and what to tune and look at. That said, You do not ever plan to offer these files from database as a service even after fully quitting tuning?
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« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2024, 07:34:21 AM »

That said, You do not ever plan to offer these files from database as a service even after fully quitting tuning?

Not sure what you mean by "service" - I have just put files online and made them downloadable. Over time there will be more files there.
I am not planning to go back to calibration, nor do I ever do one-off things anymore - if there is no recurring revenue it's time wasted.

PM's will not be answered, so don't even try.
Log your car properly - WinOLS database - Tools/patches
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