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Author Topic: NLS with fuel & spark cut? "Soft NLS?"  (Read 1092 times)
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« on: December 29, 2024, 04:26:33 AM »

Is there a way to implement this with this nls bin/xdf from the discussion?

I couldn't find anyone discussing it without pops and bangs. lol

I have this xdf I was gonna use until I decided I didn't want to have anti-lag and went with the soft launch control.

A "Soft No-lift-shift" would be nice to have for people who don't wanna replace turbos so often. It seems it would would work if it could cut fuel as well.

Any ideas? Or does someone know if it's already been done? Able to point me in the right direction? Thanks for any help.
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« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2024, 02:43:06 AM »

I'm thinking I should be able to massage the hard limiter tables in a way that avoids or minimizes the ignition cut aspect of this feature. Then I'll use the usual soft launch control in addition to end up with Soft LC and NLS without any anti-lag/hard limiter.

As far as the soft  limiter:

My thoughts are that I never really wound out 1st gear in my old s4 so I might set the launch RPM to 4500 and set my speed threshold to 40mph because I don't need to wind out in 1st gear to 7200RPM if it's breaking traction anyways. Then second gear can go WOT

To make the NLS less spicy I was gonna try:

Speed threshold setting to 0.
Lunch RPM set to max value to disable SPARK cut.
Ignition cut duration is very small. Such as set to its minimum allowed value of 20ms. I think other changes have already made this void. I may even  need to set it to 0 and disable it. The wording is confusing. I might be misunderstanding it as how much time fuel is added during the cycle that ignition is cut? (I'm still reading but could use clarification or redirection)
RPM threshold set to 4500rpm until I fine tune it later.
Acceration pedal position at 95%

I'm not sure if this will accomplish my goal..

I'm starting with this attached bin and xdf which have all the changes to for Anti-lag/NLS from the wiki.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2024, 04:20:48 PM by boostaddict1989 » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2024, 05:52:13 PM »

I just wanted to add that I have quite some time before I'll need this tune. I am willing to read and try to learn things the best I can to understand or be half-way familiar with this process because I know people give people a lot of crap about spoon feeding and laziness. When I had my old s4 I did an e50 tune until I lost my car in a shop fire while having clutch swapped :,( I'm really only learning a couple new things and feel confident in all other aspects of what I need to do with my goals.

I'm gonna level with you. I had a couple disc replacement surgeries in my neck c5-c7 last one about about a year ago. The surgeon, you know, Someone whos education cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.. Someone who ONLY does neuro surgery.. Someone so skilled and knowledgeable over decades of experience that they're entrusted to open up with sharp metal objects people and put them back together right because if they make a mistake or don't know what to do... someone will DIE? Yeah some piece of shit pencil pusher pretending to try and save a few hundred bucks denied the second disc. Even though they where already going to have my neck ripped open. They wouldn't even let me pay the difference so I'd get a complete procedure! Guess what? NEEDED THE SECOND DISC ASSHOLES! So after like 9 months of slightly improved but still crippling agony and what that did to my god damn life, I got the second surgery which cost the insurance company/state another $125,000. I can try to describe how I feel about it but I'm sure you could imagine what you'd feel like if the government risked your life over the money you spend in a week only to throw away enough money to feed an obese family for 10 years. Or 10 b5 s4's... lol. My daughter and I could have both gotten a SEX change easier here in Oregon! Woulda been done sooner too. I could go on but I'm gonna stop myself.

Anyways what I'm getting at is that I'm disabled and even being on the computer scrolling and reading a bunch of irrelevant things to try and find what I'm after is tough. My family wants me to have my car back so I'm in the process of buying a b6 s4 that has a 2003 s6 belted v-8 swapped. I'm gonna drive it the way for about a year while I collect everything for a frankenturbo 2.7t swap.

I don't think I can implement the flat shifting through this LC/NLS code. I would need to make it cut fuel and ignition with the clutch pedal while keeping the throttle plate open and not just cut ignition. This seems like a question for one of the big guys here. I don't know if anyone else cares about doing this either as it seems people are all about holding high boost and the pops and bangs. I just want the throttle plate not to close and for fuel cut with clutch pressed above 4500rpm. I'm fine without this feature but think that I wouldn't be the only person to use it and it'd end up on the wiki for completeness and people that just want fast shifting during a pull.
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« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2024, 09:04:29 PM »

Yes, it is possible to implement your fuel cut for NLS. It won't be in the .xdf, you would need to alter or make your own code

I would look into the Reverse Engineering section, there should be everything you need to learn to disassemble your ME7 binary and implement custom code:

You can then look into the Funktionsrahmen and spot the variables you wish to alter to disable fuel injection. ME7Info will allow you to locate the variable addresses

You should also study the pseudocode of the LC/NLS you are using, it will help you to understand the parameters and how they interact together
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« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2025, 09:00:06 PM »

Yes, it is possible to implement your fuel cut for NLS. It won't be in the .xdf, you would need to alter or make your own code

I would look into the Reverse Engineering section, there should be everything you need to learn to disassemble your ME7 binary and implement custom code:

You can then look into the Funktionsrahmen and spot the variables you wish to alter to disable fuel injection. ME7Info will allow you to locate the variable addresses

You should also study the pseudocode of the LC/NLS you are using, it will help you to understand the parameters and how they interact together

I knew I was going to have to f'n learn to code someday. I have been reluctant, but between this and getting curious one night and thinking up an arduino EFI system for 3.5cc nitromethane r/c/ car race engines, I think it's time. haha.

On that side note I'm amazed that they don't already use EFI in competive r/c car racing such as 1/8th scale buggy. They run 45 minute event races pretty commonly where you have to plan out pit stops for refueling because of a fuel tank capacity limit. They run off slide-type carburetors which serve their purpose pretty good. They can be temperamental and sometimes a change in conditions like humidity or ambient temp can affect the tune of the engine. Or maybe you pushed it a little more at some point and heat soaked the engine a little. It can throw the tune off which changes the handling of the car and fuel economy having to grab more throttle to get the power you need. Fuel economy is vital as is the predictability. These cars move fast so if your rhythm through corners or jumps gets thrown off it causes you to have to drive reactively instead of authoritatively and kills your lap times. Pit stop strategy becomes a key part of how you'll end up finishing. If you can pit one fewer times in that race you have a substantial advantage. So I thought about the idea of adding an rpm sensor/egt sensor/engine temp/throttle position sensor so the tune stays consistent throughout the race without having to spend time dialing it in before each race or the extra second it adds to a pit stop. It would make the power band much less peaky than a carbureted 2 stroke and get better fuel efficiency. They're the most powerful engines per displacement on the planet and it's kind of hilarious hearing them wind out to 45,000 rpm. Some nitro model airplane engines have this tek already but I think they only wind up to 25,000 rpm iirc. So I think there might be some hang up about sensors and injector working right at 45,000 rpm. I think each cycle was .0007ms. I'd say they're only doing that one a straight-away though. Anyways... lol
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« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2025, 09:30:45 PM »

Yes, it is possible to implement your fuel cut for NLS. It won't be in the .xdf, you would need to alter or make your own code

I would look into the Reverse Engineering section, there should be everything you need to learn to disassemble your ME7 binary and implement custom code:

You can then look into the Funktionsrahmen and spot the variables you wish to alter to disable fuel injection. ME7Info will allow you to locate the variable addresses

You should also study the pseudocode of the LC/NLS you are using, it will help you to understand the parameters and how they interact together

That link doesn't take me to a thread. Just the directory. I think I'd mentioned not knowing where to start and not wanting to read a million things that didn't work for people and dead end threads. lol
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« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2025, 10:28:25 PM »

Nevermind hahaha. I just sat here trying to begin and every single fucking thing I look at theres some .... person who says something along the lines of "if you look here -link to entire forum directory" or "Read this vague german document full of german acronyms translated into incomplete english that maintain german acronyms so you you can continue scrolling aimlessly just like you where before. Also learn to code idiot" About as helpful as a housefire man. Know what I mean? hahahaha. I feel like I'm just trying to walk into a brick wall so I'll do without this feature. If the ogs wanna stop hearing people ask about this crap and cant recognise a vast amount of this forum is people not being able to agree on what the hell does what over 2 decades and people tripping over eachother not being able to find relevant info then you're way more dense than ya'll think. I guess some people need a ball they can leave with to bum everyone else out even after elementary school.
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« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2025, 11:35:30 PM »

Nevermind hahaha. I just sat here trying to begin and every single fucking thing I look at theres some .... person who says something along the lines of "if you look here -link to entire forum directory" or "Read this vague german document full of german acronyms translated into incomplete english that maintain german acronyms so you you can continue scrolling aimlessly just like you where before. Also learn to code idiot" About as helpful as a housefire man. Know what I mean? hahahaha. I feel like I'm just trying to walk into a brick wall so I'll do without this feature. If the ogs wanna stop hearing people ask about this crap and cant recognise a vast amount of this forum is people not being able to agree on what the hell does what over 2 decades and people tripping over eachother not being able to find relevant info then you're way more dense than ya'll think. I guess some people need a ball they can leave with to bum everyone else out even after elementary school.
If you spent more time reading and less time being a tool you would see that soft launch is doable with just maps and no coding needed. If reading the s4 wiki and the Nefmoto wiki to get a basic grasp on what's required is too much for you, toss in the towel now. You are talking about custom code without having a basic understanding on how the ecu even works.   Flat foot shift is stupid anyway, you don't need it unless you suck at driving. Also, the public patch that's floating around is not made by daz, it was reversed and ported from a old eurodyne file. Daz actually had good custom code with lambda enrichment for launch, disabled kr and lambda control during the routine. I know this for fact because I have a heavy modified version based off the original alpha code.   

Giving your mom a tuneup
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« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2025, 12:09:14 AM »

That link doesn't take me to a thread. Just the directory. I think I'd mentioned not knowing where to start and not wanting to read a million things that didn't work for people and dead end threads. lol

I told you where to start. Read the pseudocode that's shared on the forum, a neophyte like you should be able to understand the logic of the code. Then learn to disassemble your ME7 binary and with your newly learned understanding of the ECU, you will be able to accomplish your goal. This information is all there on the forum

You are asking for solutions on subjects that require some basic knowledge, which you lack and seems stubborn not to learn... It is a place for self-learners, you are asking for free mentoring and treating people like they are AI. On top of that, you are pushing your own hatred for your shitty life on others here. I am sorry, but with this type of behavior you are doomed to stay where you are

You have been on this forum since 2017, I read your previous messages, and it doesn't seem like you have learned a single thing. You should just pay for a teacher or a solution at that point

Might you find help and peace
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