That link doesn't take me to a thread. Just the directory. I think I'd mentioned not knowing where to start and not wanting to read a million things that didn't work for people and dead end threads. lol
I told you where to start. Read the pseudocode that's shared on the forum, a neophyte like you should be able to understand the logic of the code. Then learn to disassemble your ME7 binary and with your newly learned understanding of the ECU, you will be able to accomplish your goal. This information is all there on the forum
You are asking for solutions on subjects that require some basic knowledge, which you lack and seems stubborn not to learn... It is a place for self-learners, you are asking for free mentoring and treating people like they are AI. On top of that, you are pushing your own hatred for your shitty life on others here. I am sorry, but with this type of behavior you are doomed to stay where you are
You have been on this forum since 2017, I read your previous messages, and it doesn't seem like you have learned a single thing. You should just pay for a teacher or a solution at that point
Might you find help and peace