After all of this is done, the ECU no longer responds to connection attempts.
There are three possibilities:
1. Not yet fully programmed the boot system (first 32kB)
-> must use bootmode/Galetto to recover
2. Not yet fully programmed the ramprog before the interruption
-> can connect to the boot system.
Older boot system versions allow both, slow and fast init while newer versions only
allow fast init. Need to use address 0x11 to connect and for communication.
3. Programmed already the complete ramprog before the interruption
-> can connect to ramprog, should work with KWP2000 slow init and address 0x01
(this will not end up in KWP1285!). Then use headermode2(physical) with address 0x10
or headermode3(functional) with address 0x01 for further commumication,
ecu always responds with address 0x10.