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Author Topic: Key destroyed, got another one, immo off the ecu, car starts, hazard flashing immo light blinks.  (Read 11510 times)

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Hello folks, I made it pretty far before needling help. Lots of great info here and thank you all for contributing.

The original probem: my immo chip and remote were destroyed.

So far......
I bought new remote used old key blade and got car to start but conk out (immo on)

Using this site I pulled ecu and used
Me7 tool, hxd editor, checksum corrector tool,vag commander, and vcds.

Got car started then read.
"Even if you defeat the immo in the ECU in a B6, if they key is not matched to the cluster it will cause the hazards to flash constantly."

This is the problem I have now, I defeat the immo in the ECU in my B6, my key is not matched to the cluster and it is causing the hazards to flash constantly, along with the immo light.

Is there a process to defeat the immo in the cluster as well? Any ideas as to what I should do next?   2003 b6 a4 1.8t
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Isn't vcds supposed to be able to adapt the new cluster?

i have the exact same problem, but i can't get vcds to communicate with the cluster  Shocked
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Post your ecu EEPROM, I will tell you the skc for your car and you can program your new key and turn the immo back on. New keys can't be adapted to the cluster with immo off ecu. Unless you want to wait 15min for your hadzords to stop flashing every time you drive the car this is how your going to need to fix the issue.

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when i said i got a new key i meant new to me, i read that used keys cannot be paired to b6 a4, that is why i did the immo delete when i got my used key. i do not have a new never paired rfid.

vcds can adapt a cluster,

i have the SKC from the ecu, is that different than the cluster SKC?

here is the read from my cluster.   

so you are going to tell me my cluster SKC and i need to buy a new rfid never paired key and turn immo back on?
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to adapt a transponder it must either a) new or b) has been adapted to that immo system before.

a used transponder, that was adapted to a different car, can not be adapted to your car unless it can be unlocked (doubtful).

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Are you saying that since my original key is gone, I have no way of avoiding getting a new key and turning immo back on? There isn't a cluster immo off like the ecu immo off?
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i said new transponder. immo must be turned back on.

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so im reading about the cluster virgining.

can i reset my cluster, turn my ECU immo  back on, adapt cluster to ecu and use an old transponder and adapt it to the cluster and expect the car to start without error?
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SKC will be the same in your ecu as your cluster.

As K0mpressed said, you need a new transponder or one that has already been paired to your car. Seeing as your key is destroyed then the only option is the former.

I believe that the B6 still used the common Megamos ID48 chip as a transponder. It is a glass chip like a big grain of rice contained within the key fob. You can find them all over the place on Ebay or Amazon for anywhere from $3-10. Buy one, place it inside your fob, then pair the key using VCDS. Done.

I've done this for a couple of Mk4 VWs and it works fine as long as you have the SKC (which you do). I even have a bag of them somewhere as I couldn't resist buying in bulk. If I can find it, I'll PM you for an address and send you one...

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do you recall where you bought yours? do you know of any reliable sources?
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Got mine off eBay, bought a couple of spares in case I messed up but no issues so far.
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do you recall where you bought yours? do you know of any reliable sources?

Like Turboat I got them on Ebay. carobdtool88 was the seller. Just looked at their store and 5 of them is $10.99 USD with free shipping. Might not be the best choice for you because they come on the slow boat from China. Took a couple of weeks for them to arrive.

I've been looking to see if I can find the ones I have left... So far no luck sorry.

Go ahead and give me negative karma... I don't care if you like what I post princess.
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