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Author Topic: mk2 golf gti 1.8t 20v turbo  (Read 7504 times)

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« on: August 27, 2018, 12:25:36 PM »

Hi I will start with my project which is a Mk2 golf with soon to be 1.8 20v turbo AGU engine code with uprated h section rods and a few other upgrades rod bolts head bolts ect.   The plan is to run on 7.5 wideband ecu from a bam engine coded car(which I have). I have a bam fly by wire accelerator pedal and throttle body. Injectors fuel rail sensors to suit bam with me7.5.
 The reason I have been using  nefmoto site  is so that I could learn to to map things out the flash like SAI pump, vvt, and evap systems, also de immobilise my ecu. As all which I don’t need when running in mk2 golf chassis.
  I have been using  argdubs 95040 tool and mefmoto flasher. Took a few a nights work once I figure I had the ftdi drivers on com port 16 not 3 lol. So once I was over that hurdle. I started to play with a 2 identical spare ecus narrow band from a Seat 1.8 20v turbo. At first I used argdubs tool to read the immo 95040 chip. Then I tried to modify the bin file using a hex editor and then 85040checksum checker all found on this site. Would say was a bit of re leaning some stuff from college and some new.  This was all done with a homemade bench cable, and a cheap ebay blue cable with pass through capability’s. I don’t have a car to try my ecus on. So I have been using nefmoto and vcds to check if new 95040.bin files have de immo the ecu.

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« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2018, 12:28:31 PM »

At my first attempts of modifying my own bin files failed. I think I need to improve my hex editing skills. My attempts attached along with the one that I manged to download from here that seems to work to the best of my knowledge as don’t get any immo codes in nefmoto and vcds says no immo files  found or something like that when I search for it. If I have done something wrong at this stage I’m not sure.  My attempts of reading the full flash from ecu using nefmoto failed will show the logs.
This with no mods to 95040 bin was told from nefmoto no read of file because of immo. Then with my own modified bin it says no read because security not passed, will upload logs.
10/Aug/2018 08:28:05.390: USER: KWP1281 connect info: 06A906032T  1.8L R4/5VT         0003 +E
10/Aug/2018 08:28:06.890: USER: Connecting to address 0x01.
10/Aug/2018 08:28:09.078: USER: Slow init succeeded.
10/Aug/2018 08:28:09.078: LOG: Setting Address: 0x01 KeyByte1: 0x6F KeyByte2: 0x0F
10/Aug/2018 08:28:09.078: USER: Switching to KWP2000 session.
10/Aug/2018 08:28:09.078: USER: Connected
10/Aug/2018 08:28:11.609: LOG: Sent message with service ID TesterPresent
10/Aug/2018 08:28:11.656: LOG: Received message with service ID: TesterPresentPositiveReponse
10/Aug/2018 08:28:14.140: LOG: Sent message with service ID TesterPresent
10/Aug/2018 08:28:14.171: LOG: Received message with service ID: TesterPresentPositiveReponse
10/Aug/2018 08:28:31.781: LOG: Sent message with service ID TesterPresent
10/Aug/2018 08:28:31.828: LOG: Received message with service ID: TesterPresentPositiveReponse
10/Aug/2018 08:28:34.312: LOG: Sent message with service ID TesterPresent
10/Aug/2018 08:28:34.343: LOG: Received message with service ID: TesterPresentPositiveReponse
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.250: LOG: User Prompt - Title: Confirm Full Read ECU Flash Memory Message: If you are ready to read, confirm the following things:
1) You have loaded a valid memory layout for the ECU.
2) The engine is not running.
Note: Some non-standard flash memory chips may prevent reading the flash memory.

Click OK to confirm, otherwise Cancel. Result: OK
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.250: USER: Disabling Windows sleep mode.
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.281: USER: Reading ECU flash memory.
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.328: LOG: Reading ECU identification option: 0x9C
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.359: LOG: Sent message with service ID ReadECUIdentification
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.406: LOG: Received message with service ID: ReadECUIdentificationPositiveResponse
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.406: LOG: Read ECU identification option: 0x9C
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.406: LOG: Successfully read ECU identification information
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.421: USER: ECU reports programming session preconditions have not been met.
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.421: USER: Reasons preconditions failed:
10/Aug/2018 08:28:36.421: USER: -Immobilizer not authenticated

With my own 95040bin
14/Aug/2018 01:18:51.437: USER: KWP1281 connect info: 06A906032T  1.8L R4/5VT         0003 +E
14/Aug/2018 01:18:52.937: USER: Connecting to address 0x01.
14/Aug/2018 01:18:55.125: USER: Slow init succeeded.
14/Aug/2018 01:18:55.125: LOG: Setting Address: 0x01 KeyByte1: 0x6F KeyByte2: 0x0F
14/Aug/2018 01:18:55.125: USER: Switching to KWP2000 session.
14/Aug/2018 01:18:55.125: USER: Connected
14/Aug/2018 01:18:57.656: LOG: Sent message with service ID TesterPresent
14/Aug/2018 01:18:57.687: LOG: Received message with service ID: TesterPresentPositiveReponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.171: LOG: Sent message with service ID TesterPresent
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.203: LOG: Received message with service ID: TesterPresentPositiveReponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.359: LOG: User Prompt - Title: Confirm Full Read ECU Flash Memory Message: If you are ready to read, confirm the following things:
1) You have loaded a valid memory layout for the ECU.
2) The engine is not running.
Note: Some non-standard flash memory chips may prevent reading the flash memory.

Click OK to confirm, otherwise Cancel. Result: OK
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.359: USER: Disabling Windows sleep mode.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.375: USER: Reading ECU flash memory.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.421: LOG: Reading ECU identification option: 0x9C
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.437: LOG: Sent message with service ID ReadECUIdentification
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.484: LOG: Received message with service ID: ReadECUIdentificationPositiveResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.484: LOG: Read ECU identification option: 0x9C
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.484: LOG: Successfully read ECU identification information
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.500: USER: ECU reports programming session preconditions have been met.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.500: USER: Negotiating communication timings.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.500: LOG: Reading current communication timings.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.500: USER: Failed to start diagnostic session.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.500: LOG: Received unhandled message with service ID: ReadECUIdentificationPositiveResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.546: LOG: Sent message with service ID AccessTimingParameters
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.593: LOG: Received message with service ID: AccessTimingParametersPositiveResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.593: LOG: Set timing parameters to new values.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.593: LOG: Setting communication timing to defaults.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.656: LOG: Sent message with service ID AccessTimingParameters
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.703: LOG: Received message with service ID: AccessTimingParametersPositiveResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.703: LOG: Reading current communication timings.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.765: LOG: Sent message with service ID AccessTimingParameters
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.796: LOG: Received message with service ID: AccessTimingParametersPositiveResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.796: USER: Successfully changed to new communication timings.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.796: USER: Requesting security access.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.875: LOG: Sent message with service ID SecurityAccess
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.906: LOG: Received message with service ID: NegativeResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.906: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: SecurityAccess, with response code: ServiceNotSupported
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.906: USER: ECU reports that security access is not supported.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.906: LOG: Starting ProgrammingSession diagnostic session with 124800 baud rate.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.906: USER: Starting diagnostic session.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:00.953: LOG: Sent message with service ID StartDiagnosticSession
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.000: LOG: Received message with service ID: NegativeResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.000: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: StartDiagnosticSession, with response code: RequestCorrectlyReceived_ResponsePending
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.031: LOG: Received message with service ID: NegativeResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.031: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: StartDiagnosticSession, with response code: RequestCorrectlyReceived_ResponsePending
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.078: LOG: Received message with service ID: NegativeResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.078: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: StartDiagnosticSession, with response code: RequestCorrectlyReceived_ResponsePending
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.125: LOG: Received message with service ID: NegativeResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.125: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: StartDiagnosticSession, with response code: RequestCorrectlyReceived_ResponsePending
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.156: LOG: Received message with service ID: NegativeResponse
14/Aug/2018 01:19:01.156: LOG: Received negative response for service ID: StartDiagnosticSession, with response code: RequestCorrectlyReceived_ResponsePending
14/Aug/2018 01:19:10.968: LOG: Sent message with service ID TesterPresent
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.078: LOG: Message received no replies.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.078: LOG: Resending message. Send attempts: 2
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.093: LOG: Sent message with service ID TesterPresent
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.203: LOG: Message received no replies.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.203: LOG: Resending message. Send attempts: 3
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.218: LOG: Sent message with service ID TesterPresent
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.328: LOG: Message received no replies.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.328: LOG: Failed to send message 3 times, message send failed.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.328: USER: Disconnecting because no response was received for the Tester Present message.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.328: USER: Disconnected
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.359: USER: Reading ECU flash memory failed.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.375: LOG: Closing FTDI device.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:11.390: LOG: Send receive thread now terminated.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:22.984: LOG: User Prompt - Title: Reading ECU Flash Memory Complete Message: Reading ECU flash memory failed. Result: OK
14/Aug/2018 01:19:22.984: USER: 100% complete.
14/Aug/2018 01:19:23.000: USER: Restoring Windows sleep mode.
ADD logs
Then when I used this bin file I found on this site and bit more reading  and tring  sevarl different times. May I add I added a live feed to pin 121 on ecu when using nefmoto at this point aswell.  I managed to finally get the reading process to start working  but message said that it could not complete as could be as of aftermarket tune
The next thing that I done was opened up my other spare narrow band ecu. I flashed the 95040 chip with what I believe to working de immo bin from above. Then I tried to read the full flash on nefmoto and it read the whole file. So I used the flash check sum tool on the bin file that I just saved then wrote it back to the same ecu. Once finished checked ecu in nefmoto and vcds and seem to be fine from what I can see. 
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« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2018, 01:02:54 PM »

Are you sure the ecus are otherwise bone stock? maybe aftermarket tune?

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

Do not PM me technical questions! Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your ex
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« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2018, 02:30:54 PM »

I can't ever get them to read with immo off.
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