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Author Topic: 2017 Audi S3 Airbag Module Hard Reset and Seatbelt "Repair"  (Read 2630 times)

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« on: December 28, 2018, 08:17:47 PM »

Hello all,

I have read through a couple threads and forgive me if I missed a tidbit of information somewhere.

Currently re building a 2017 Audi S3. Have already finished the frame work and installed all the airbags.
Do I HAVE to use VCDS in order to reset the assembly code of my current Module or can I hookup a simple TX/RX from my laptop to the processing chip and reset it that way? Is there any code for these new Audi's? Or is everything encrypted as everyone claims? If it is, what kind of encryption is it even?

Seatbelt repair which on the surface appears to be elementary, does it happen to be more complicated in this car? I find it hard to believe how some people claim to fix these things, when in reality they stick a pin in for some vehicles which results in the seatbelt never operating the way it was before the accident.

Any thoughts?
(I have reset the airbag module on a toyota sienna before by the way doing this method. It happened to be a slightly different driver I was using; headers and footers were different.)

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« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2018, 01:07:53 PM »

Forgive me if I missed something obvious.
Is there any advice I can receive on these newer model Audi's...?

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