Can someone help me to get CC work on ME 7.1 file
8D0907551G is well defined, but I can't find CWFGRGA. I cant find it in any 2.7T file, only in R filr but that is M7.1.1.
My problem is after fitting 6HP gearbox I don't have CC in 6th gear
I can't fool ECU with NVQUOT beacuse it get gear position from CAN-BUS(gearbox)
CWFGRGA don't exist in 8d0907551G.
This ME7.1 file use constants
GAFGRO - 10C75 [Max. zul. Gang bei FGR-Betrieb]
GAFGRU - 10C76 [Min. zul. Gang bei FGR-Betrieb]
BTW 6-th gear is valid in original fimware.
Your problem is that this firmware can't be coded to use AT tranny.
There is only two valid coding 10611 and 10711.
I think it will be easier to cross-flash firmware to 4B0907551S_0001 factory made for 5HP and adapt it to 6HP.