Yes it will work, but you need to either patch the code, to bypass in-code clutch limit or force wrong adaptation, but then you always have too much pressure even when not needed. Both ways it works, tested many times.
Think about how pressure is calculated from ikp0/1 and this is how you can make the hack. Correct solution is something like 5120 mod for ECU, but for clutch torque.
DQ250 main pressure is 20 bar, and you hit in-code limitation far far far before that.
For someone who allegedly knows so much, you do not even know that there is no torque to pressure in VAG DSG?
It is friction coefficient -> ikp adaptation -> microslip controller.
And for microslip controller I is feedforward from torque essentially, this is why correct torque is so important to report. After that you have code limitation for clutch torque at 500nm on DQ250. No such problem on DL501 or DQ500.
Torque to pressure is a straight line between ikp0 (kiss point) and ikp1 (200nm), which you can not adjust, it is determined during adaptation - nothing to "customize" there.
prj the info you posted is invaluable, thanks a lot! I have been trying to undertand the stategy for so long. I always that that there would be a map like daten moment zu hauptdruck KL but for clutch pressures. From your post I understand that the pressure adaptation determines the kiss point or at which pressure the clutch discs start to move the car (ikp0). Then there is a fixed point at 200 nm and the line that connects those two has a fixed gradient, which if i'm not wrong should be close to 5 bar / 200nm. So one way to increase pressure would be to force a wrong adaptation, then the kiss point would be shifted at a higher pressure, and the fixed gradient would then shift the requested pressure in the whole range, like an offset, but this has obvious problems, the car would start very violently and perhaps jerk between shifts too.