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Author Topic: 4B0906018DH - me7sum says it fixed it, but check still shows 1 error in data  (Read 10352 times)

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Posts: 3

me7sum says it fixed all errors and writes output file.

However checking the output file says 1 error remains in data section.

Can someone more competent please check if this is fine to write to ECU, I'm new to tuning these ME7, mainly been doing diesels.

This car is just for use in a burnout event, basically blowing tires up. So it needs to survive one day, shoot flames and make lots of noise,
so made a few adjustments to make it run slightly richer, at slightly more boost and delay the fuel cut to make it shoot flames more.
However I am unsure of the checksums as one still shows as wrong, and i don't want to brick ECU.
Hero Member

Karma: +609/-169
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Posts: 12281


Please don't make us guess.

Post the version of me7sum you're using and the output in code markup

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

Do not PM me technical questions! Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your ex
Hero Member

Karma: +347/-705
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Posts: 2840

me7sum says it fixed all errors and writes output file.

However checking the output file says 1 error remains in data section.

Can someone more competent please check if this is fine to write to ECU, I'm new to tuning these ME7, mainly been doing diesels.

This car is just for use in a burnout event, basically blowing tires up. So it needs to survive one day, shoot flames and make lots of noise,
so made a few adjustments to make it run slightly richer, at slightly more boost and delay the fuel cut to make it shoot flames more.
However I am unsure of the checksums as one still shows as wrong, and i don't want to brick ECU.

Here yah go

Giving your mom a tuneup
Hero Member

Karma: +609/-169
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Posts: 12281


Here yah go

I would like to know what went wrong with ME7Sum.

Also, ECUFix does not fix all files.

Plus ME7Sum is free

Stop spoon feeding, you're only going to make it worse.

You're only encouraging people who do not want to learn and will only demand from others.

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

Do not PM me technical questions! Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your ex
Hero Member

Karma: +90/-41
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Posts: 1283

ME7Sum (v1.0.5) [Management tool for Bosch ME7.x firmwares]
Inspiration from Andy Whittaker's tools and information.
Written by 360trev and nyet [BSD License Open Source].

Attempting to open firmware file 'dh_nef.bin'

Step #1: Reading ROM info ..
 Searching for EPK signature...OK
 Searching for ECUID table...OK
 EPK         : '40/1/ME7.5/3/4016.31//24G/Dst04o/080802//'
 Part Number : '4B0906018DH '
 Engine ID   : '1.8L R4/5VT    '
 SW Version  : '0004'
 HW Number   : '0261207928'
 SW Number   : '1037366497'

Step #2: Reading ROMSYS ..
 Startup section: word[0x008000]+word[0x00FFFE]
 @08038 Add=0x0000A777 CalcAdd=0x0000A777  ADD OK
 All param page: word[0x010000]+word[0x01FFFE]
 @01d0d4 Add=0x00971D CalcAdd=0x00971D  ADD OK

Step #3: Reading RSA signatures ..
 Searching for RSA offset #0...OK
 Searching for RSA offset #1...OK
         Signature: @9f51e-9f59e
           Modulus: @17360-173e0
          Exponent: @173e0 = 3
 Searching for MD5 ranges...OK
 MD5 Block Offset Table @1733c [32 bytes]:
 1) 0x00010002-0x00013FFE
 2) 0x00014252-0x00017F4E
 3) 0x00018192-0x0001FBDC
 4) 0x00026A00-0x0002FFFC
 EncrMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49
 CalcMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49

Step #4: Finding CRC table(s) ..
 Searching for CRC table(s)...OK
 CRC table(s) OK

Step #5: Reading Main Data Checksums ..
 Searching for main data CRC pre block...missing
 Searching for main data CRC/csum blocks...OK
 Searching for main data CRC offsets...missing
 Searching for main data checksum offsets...OK
 Main Checksums:
 1) 0x010002-0x013FFE CalcCSM: 00141F42
 2) 0x014252-0x017F4E CalcCSM: 0026B4FB
 3) 0x018192-0x01FBDC CalcCSM: 0045248D
 4) 0x026A00-0x02FFFC CalcCSM: 00A09450
 @9fd64 CSM: 00A08FBE CalcCSM: 00A09450 ** FIXED **

Step #6: ROMSYS Program Pages
 Program pages: 8k page first+last in 0x0000-0xFFFF and 0x20000-0xFFFFF
 @00803c Add=0x9F2FF0 CalcAdd=0x9F2FF0  ADD OK

Step #7: Reading Main Program Checksums ..
 Searching for main program checksum..OK
 ROM Checksum Block Offset Table @29794 [16 bytes]:
 1) 0x000000-0x00FBFF CalcChk: 4705B7B4
    0x00FC00-0x01FFFF CalcChk: 212AF209 CalcCRC: 79B0E051 SKIPPED
 2) 0x020000-0x0FFFFF CalcChk: DB0D2705
 @fffe0 Chk: DB0D2705 CalcChk: DB0D2705 OK (i)

Step #8: Reading Multipoint Checksum Blocks ..
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #1...missing
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #2...OK
 1) <1fbde>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 2) <1fbee>  0x004000-0x007FFF Chk: 1077FB35 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 3) <1fbfe>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 CalcChk: 0E59D5C8 OK
64) <1ffce>  0x0F4000-0x0F7FFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
65) <1ffde>  0x0F8000-0x0FBFFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
66) <1ffee>  0x0FC000-0x0FFFFF Chk: 1FFDE002 CalcChk: 1FFDE002 OK
 Multipoint #2: [66 blocks x <16> = 1056 bytes]

Step #9: Looking for rechecks ..
    <1fc6e>  0x01C000-0x01FFFF Chk: 06245C8D CalcChk: 06245C8D OK (recheck)

*** Found 70 checksums in dh_nef.bin

Attempting to output corrected firmware file 'dh_nef_test.bin'
├╛ Opening 'dh_nef_test.bin' file for writing
├╛ Writing to file
├╛ Validating size correct 1048576=1048576
├╛ All OK, closing file

*** DONE! 1/1 error(s) in dh_nef.bin corrected in dh_nef_test.bin! ***

me7check v1.12 (c) mki, 06/2004-05/2012
Checking file dh_nef_test.bin (size=1048576)
Reading Version Strings...
-> Bootrom Version = 06.02
-> EPK = 40/1/ME7.5/3/4016.31//24G/Dst04o/080802//
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - '0261207928'         (SSECUHN)
   - '1037366497'         (SSECUSN)
   - '4B0906018DH '       (VAG part number)
   - '0004'               (VAG sw number)
   - '1.8L R4/5VT    '    (engine id)
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - 'HW_MAN004'

-> No errors found. File is OK.   *********************



Karma: +0/-1
Offline Offline

Posts: 3

Here yah go

Thanks alot...

I would like to know what went wrong with ME7Sum.

Also, ECUFix does not fix all files.

Plus ME7Sum is free

Stop spoon feeding, you're only going to make it worse.

You're only encouraging people who do not want to learn and will only demand from others.

Why do you have to be rude and assume i didn't try anything and just asked for help without trying myself.
This subforum is literally called checksum update requests.

I used the latest me7sum and me7check from the github per the date of posting.
I uploaded both the original and tuned file (checksummed with me7sum),
for someone with more knowledge of these ecus to have a look.

me7sum absolutely looks like an amazing piece of free software, but in this particular case it just doesn't correct 1 of the checksums for some reason.
I searched for a while after a way to manually find and replace the checksums, i even looked at source code of me7sum to try and figure out what went wrong.
I have mainly been messing around with EDC15 and EDC16 diesels, so this forum existing helped a ton in getting an idea of how to do stuff to me7 ecus and I'm very thankful of that.
Main reason I posted is because i was asked by some friends of mine because i tuned the diesels, if i could do something about this 1.8T they need for burnout event this weekend
and I literally needed to flash it the next afternoon and had to sleep because I was going to work in a few hours, already spending hours trying to figure out this checksum stuff.
Gasoline tuning on these me7s is way different to the diesel stuff I've already messed around with. So I am very much not asking to be spoon fed, I asked for help because I was running
out of time getting this car ready for the event, stuff I was doing as a favor to those friends for free. If you take the original file, the tuned (checksummed with me7sum) and the fixed one he posted, it's 1 bit difference between the files and it now works perfectly on the car. (See attached video, WARNING LOUD SOUND)

Software versions used:
ME7Sum (v1.1.1)
ME7Check v1.12

Thanks to the people actually helping, if you know why me7sum for some reason doesn't calculate the checksum correctly for one data block, or even better have a link to information on how to manually do the checksums, which i searched for, for literally hours with most results being forum responses with: "just use me7sum, it's free, LOL", instead of actual info.

Karma: +0/-1
Offline Offline

Posts: 3


me7sum.exe "4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin" "test.bin"
ME7Sum (v1.1.1) [Management tool for Bosch ME7.x firmwares]
Inspiration from Andy Whittaker's tools and information.
Written by 360trev and nyet [BSD License Open Source].

Attempting to open firmware file '4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin'

Step #1: Reading ROM info ..
 Searching for EPK signature...OK
 Searching for ECUID table...OK
 EPK         : '40/1/ME7.5/3/4016.31//24G/Dst04o/080802//'
 Part Number : '4B0906018DH '
 Engine ID   : '1.8L R4/5VT    '
 SW Version  : '0004'
 HW Number   : '0261207928'
 SW Number   : '1037366497'

Step #2: Reading ROMSYS ..
 Startup section: word[0x008000]+word[0x00FFFE]
 @08038 Add=0x0000A777 CalcAdd=0x0000A777  ADD OK
 All param page: word[0x010000]+word[0x01FFFE]
 @01d0d4 Add=0x00971D CalcAdd=0x00971D  ADD OK

Step #3: Finding CRC table(s) ..
 Searching for CRC table(s)...OK
 CRC table(s) OK

Step #4: Reading Main Data CRC/Checksums ..
 Searching for main data CRC pre block...missing
 Searching for main data CRC/csum blocks...OK
 Searching for main data CRC offsets...missing
 Searching for main data checksum offsets...OK
 Main Checksums:
 1) 0x010002-0x013FFE CalcCSM: 00141F42
 2) 0x014252-0x017F4E CalcCSM: 0026B4FB
 3) 0x018192-0x01FBDC CalcCSM: 0045248D
 4) 0x026A00-0x02FFFC CalcCSM: 00A09450
 @9fd64 CSM: 00A08FBE CalcCSM: 00A09450 ** FIXED **

Step #5: ROMSYS Program Pages
 Program pages: 8k page first+last in 0x0000-0xFFFF and 0x20000-0xFFFFF
 @00803c Add=0x9F2FF0 CalcAdd=0x9F2FF0  ADD OK

Step #6: Reading RSA signatures ..
 Searching for RSA offset #0...OK
 Searching for RSA offset #1...OK
         Signature: @9f51e-9f59e
           Modulus: @17360-173e0
          Exponent: @173e0 = 3
 Searching for MD5 ranges...OK
 MD5 Block Offset Table @1733c [32 bytes]:
 1) 0x00010002-0x00013FFE
 2) 0x00014252-0x00017F4E
 3) 0x00018192-0x0001FBDC
 4) 0x00026A00-0x0002FFFC
 EncrMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49
 CalcMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49

Step #7: Reading Main Program Checksums ..
 Searching for main program checksum..OK
 ROM Checksum Block Offset Table @29794 [16 bytes]:
 1) 0x000000-0x00FBFF CalcChk: 4705B7B4
    0x00FC00-0x01FFFF CalcChk: 212AF209 CalcCRC: 79B0E051 SKIPPED
 2) 0x020000-0x0FFFFF CalcChk: DB0D2705
 @fffe0 Chk: DB0D2705 CalcChk: DB0D2705 OK (i)

Step #8: Reading Multipoint Checksum Blocks ..
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #1...missing
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #2...OK
 1) <1fbde>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 2) <1fbee>  0x004000-0x007FFF Chk: 1077FB35 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 3) <1fbfe>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 CalcChk: 0E59D5C8 OK
64) <1ffce>  0x0F4000-0x0F7FFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
65) <1ffde>  0x0F8000-0x0FBFFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
66) <1ffee>  0x0FC000-0x0FFFFF Chk: 1FFDE002 CalcChk: 1FFDE002 OK
 Multipoint #2: [66 blocks x <16> = 1056 bytes]

Step #9: Looking for rechecks ..

*** Found 70 checksums in 4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin

Attempting to output corrected firmware file 'test.bin'
├╛ Opening 'test.bin' file for writing
├╛ Writing to file
├╛ Validating size correct 1048576=1048576
├╛ All OK, closing file

*** DONE! 1/1 error(s) in 4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin corrected in test.bin! ***

ME7Check v1.12 (c) mki, 06/2004-05/2012
Checking file test.bin (size=1048576)
Reading Version Strings...
-> Bootrom Version = 06.02
-> EPK = 40/1/ME7.5/3/4016.31//24G/Dst04o/080802//
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - '0261207928'         (SSECUHN)
   - '1037366497'         (SSECUSN)
   - '4B0906018DH '       (VAG part number)
   - '0004'               (VAG sw number)
   - '1.8L R4/5VT    '    (engine id)
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - 'HW_MAN004'

Data area checksum failure(s) found
-> Found 1 error!!!   *******************************

I see you're using an older version of me7sum, maybe some bug was intruduced in newer versions?
Hero Member

Karma: +79/-42
Offline Offline

Posts: 1450

Thanks alot...

Why do you have to be rude and assume i didn't try anything and just asked for help without trying myself.
This subforum is literally called checksum update requests.

I used the latest me7sum and me7check from the github per the date of posting.
I uploaded both the original and tuned file (checksummed with me7sum),
for someone with more knowledge of these ecus to have a look.

me7sum absolutely looks like an amazing piece of free software, but in this particular case it just doesn't correct 1 of the checksums for some reason.
I searched for a while after a way to manually find and replace the checksums, i even looked at source code of me7sum to try and figure out what went wrong.
I have mainly been messing around with EDC15 and EDC16 diesels, so this forum existing helped a ton in getting an idea of how to do stuff to me7 ecus and I'm very thankful of that.
Main reason I posted is because i was asked by some friends of mine because i tuned the diesels, if i could do something about this 1.8T they need for burnout event this weekend
and I literally needed to flash it the next afternoon and had to sleep because I was going to work in a few hours, already spending hours trying to figure out this checksum stuff.
Gasoline tuning on these me7s is way different to the diesel stuff I've already messed around with. So I am very much not asking to be spoon fed, I asked for help because I was running
out of time getting this car ready for the event, stuff I was doing as a favor to those friends for free. If you take the original file, the tuned (checksummed with me7sum) and the fixed one he posted, it's 1 bit difference between the files and it now works perfectly on the car. (See attached video, WARNING LOUD SOUND)

Software versions used:
ME7Sum (v1.1.1)
ME7Check v1.12

Thanks to the people actually helping, if you know why me7sum for some reason doesn't calculate the checksum correctly for one data block, or even better have a link to information on how to manually do the checksums, which i searched for, for literally hours with most results being forum responses with: "just use me7sum, it's free, LOL", instead of actual info.

There is a 2% chance that ME7sum can make mistake. I am using it all time, and I try to mod everything on Me7 ECU that come in my mind( and that it a lot of things, lot more than a flash for burnout)

So I can't figure out what parf of flash did you touch( and why) that me7sum can't fix it

Hero Member

Karma: +609/-169
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Posts: 12281


me7sum.exe "4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin" "test.bin"
ME7Sum (v1.1.1) [Management tool for Bosch ME7.x firmwares]
Inspiration from Andy Whittaker's tools and information.
Written by 360trev and nyet [BSD License Open Source].

Attempting to open firmware file '4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin'

Step #1: Reading ROM info ..
 Searching for EPK signature...OK
 Searching for ECUID table...OK
 EPK         : '40/1/ME7.5/3/4016.31//24G/Dst04o/080802//'
 Part Number : '4B0906018DH '
 Engine ID   : '1.8L R4/5VT    '
 SW Version  : '0004'
 HW Number   : '0261207928'
 SW Number   : '1037366497'

Step #2: Reading ROMSYS ..
 Startup section: word[0x008000]+word[0x00FFFE]
 @08038 Add=0x0000A777 CalcAdd=0x0000A777  ADD OK
 All param page: word[0x010000]+word[0x01FFFE]
 @01d0d4 Add=0x00971D CalcAdd=0x00971D  ADD OK

Step #3: Finding CRC table(s) ..
 Searching for CRC table(s)...OK
 CRC table(s) OK

Step #4: Reading Main Data CRC/Checksums ..
 Searching for main data CRC pre block...missing
 Searching for main data CRC/csum blocks...OK
 Searching for main data CRC offsets...missing
 Searching for main data checksum offsets...OK
 Main Checksums:
 1) 0x010002-0x013FFE CalcCSM: 00141F42
 2) 0x014252-0x017F4E CalcCSM: 0026B4FB
 3) 0x018192-0x01FBDC CalcCSM: 0045248D
 4) 0x026A00-0x02FFFC CalcCSM: 00A09450
 @9fd64 CSM: 00A08FBE CalcCSM: 00A09450 ** FIXED **

Step #5: ROMSYS Program Pages
 Program pages: 8k page first+last in 0x0000-0xFFFF and 0x20000-0xFFFFF
 @00803c Add=0x9F2FF0 CalcAdd=0x9F2FF0  ADD OK

Step #6: Reading RSA signatures ..
 Searching for RSA offset #0...OK
 Searching for RSA offset #1...OK
         Signature: @9f51e-9f59e
           Modulus: @17360-173e0
          Exponent: @173e0 = 3
 Searching for MD5 ranges...OK
 MD5 Block Offset Table @1733c [32 bytes]:
 1) 0x00010002-0x00013FFE
 2) 0x00014252-0x00017F4E
 3) 0x00018192-0x0001FBDC
 4) 0x00026A00-0x0002FFFC
 EncrMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49
 CalcMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49

Step #7: Reading Main Program Checksums ..
 Searching for main program checksum..OK
 ROM Checksum Block Offset Table @29794 [16 bytes]:
 1) 0x000000-0x00FBFF CalcChk: 4705B7B4
    0x00FC00-0x01FFFF CalcChk: 212AF209 CalcCRC: 79B0E051 SKIPPED
 2) 0x020000-0x0FFFFF CalcChk: DB0D2705
 @fffe0 Chk: DB0D2705 CalcChk: DB0D2705 OK (i)

Step #8: Reading Multipoint Checksum Blocks ..
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #1...missing
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #2...OK
 1) <1fbde>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 2) <1fbee>  0x004000-0x007FFF Chk: 1077FB35 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 3) <1fbfe>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 CalcChk: 0E59D5C8 OK
64) <1ffce>  0x0F4000-0x0F7FFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
65) <1ffde>  0x0F8000-0x0FBFFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
66) <1ffee>  0x0FC000-0x0FFFFF Chk: 1FFDE002 CalcChk: 1FFDE002 OK
 Multipoint #2: [66 blocks x <16> = 1056 bytes]

Step #9: Looking for rechecks ..

*** Found 70 checksums in 4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin

Attempting to output corrected firmware file 'test.bin'
├╛ Opening 'test.bin' file for writing
├╛ Writing to file
├╛ Validating size correct 1048576=1048576
├╛ All OK, closing file

*** DONE! 1/1 error(s) in 4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin corrected in test.bin! ***

ME7Check v1.12 (c) mki, 06/2004-05/2012
Checking file test.bin (size=1048576)
Reading Version Strings...
-> Bootrom Version = 06.02
-> EPK = 40/1/ME7.5/3/4016.31//24G/Dst04o/080802//
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - '0261207928'         (SSECUHN)
   - '1037366497'         (SSECUSN)
   - '4B0906018DH '       (VAG part number)
   - '0004'               (VAG sw number)
   - '1.8L R4/5VT    '    (engine id)
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - 'HW_MAN004'

Data area checksum failure(s) found
-> Found 1 error!!!   *******************************

I see you're using an older version of me7sum, maybe some bug was intruduced in newer versions?

Possibly, investigating now.

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

Do not PM me technical questions! Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your ex
Hero Member

Karma: +609/-169
Offline Offline

Posts: 12281


$ ./me7sum 4B0906018DH\ 0004\ burnout\ 1.8\ turbo\ -\ TUNED.bin
ME7Sum (v1.1.1) [Management tool for Bosch ME7.x firmwares]
Inspiration from Andy Whittaker's tools and information.
Written by 360trev and nyet [BSD License Open Source].

Attempting to open firmware file '4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin'

Step #1: Reading ROM info ..
 Searching for EPK signature...OK
 Searching for ECUID table...OK
 EPK         : '40/1/ME7.5/3/4016.31//24G/Dst04o/080802//'
 Part Number : '4B0906018DH '
 Engine ID   : '1.8L R4/5VT    '
 SW Version  : '0004'
 HW Number   : '0261207928'
 SW Number   : '1037366497'

Step #2: Reading ROMSYS ..
 Startup section: word[0x008000]+word[0x00FFFE]
 @08038 Add=0x0000A777 CalcAdd=0x0000A777  ADD OK
 All param page: word[0x010000]+word[0x01FFFE]
 @01d0d4 Add=0x00971D CalcAdd=0x00971D  ADD OK

Step #3: Finding CRC table(s) ..
 Searching for CRC table(s)...OK
 CRC table(s) OK

Step #4: Reading Main Data CRC/Checksums ..
 Searching for main data CRC pre block...missing
 Searching for main data CRC/csum blocks...OK
 Searching for main data CRC offsets...missing
 Searching for main data checksum offsets...OK
 Main Checksums:
 1) 0x010002-0x013FFE CalcCSM: 00141F42
 2) 0x014252-0x017F4E CalcCSM: 0026B4FB
 3) 0x018192-0x01FBDC CalcCSM: 0045248D
 4) 0x026A00-0x02FFFC CalcCSM: 00A09450
 @9fd64 CSM: 00A08FBE CalcCSM: 00A09450 ** NOT OK **

Step #5: ROMSYS Program Pages
 Program pages: 8k page first+last in 0x0000-0xFFFF and 0x20000-0xFFFFF
 @00803c Add=0x9F2FF0 CalcAdd=0x9F2FF0  ADD OK

Step #6: Reading RSA signatures ..
 Searching for RSA offset #0...OK
 Searching for RSA offset #1...OK
         Signature: @9f51e-9f59e
           Modulus: @17360-173e0
          Exponent: @173e0 = 3
 Searching for MD5 ranges...OK
 MD5 Block Offset Table @1733c [32 bytes]:
 1) 0x00010002-0x00013FFE
 2) 0x00014252-0x00017F4E
 3) 0x00018192-0x0001FBDC
 4) 0x00026A00-0x0002FFFC
 EncrMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49
 CalcMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49

Step #7: Reading Main Program Checksums ..
 Searching for main program checksum..OK
 ROM Checksum Block Offset Table @29794 [16 bytes]:
 1) 0x000000-0x00FBFF CalcChk: 4705B7B4
    0x00FC00-0x01FFFF CalcChk: 212AF209 CalcCRC: 79B0E051 SKIPPED
 2) 0x020000-0x0FFFFF CalcChk: DB0D2705
 @fffe0 Chk: DB0D2705 CalcChk: DB0D2705 OK (i)

Step #8: Reading Multipoint Checksum Blocks ..
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #1...missing
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #2...OK
 1) <1fbde>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 2) <1fbee>  0x004000-0x007FFF Chk: 1077FB35 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 3) <1fbfe>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 CalcChk: 0E59D5C8 OK
64) <1ffce>  0x0F4000-0x0F7FFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
65) <1ffde>  0x0F8000-0x0FBFFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
66) <1ffee>  0x0FC000-0x0FFFFF Chk: 1FFDE002 CalcChk: 1FFDE002 OK
 Multipoint #2: [66 blocks x <16> = 1056 bytes]

Step #9: Looking for rechecks ..

*** Found 70 checksums in 4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin

*** WARNING! 1/1 uncorrected error(s) in 4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin! ***

$ ./me7sum 4B0906018DH\ 0004\ burnout\ 1.8\ turbo\ -\ TUNED.bin fix.bin
ME7Sum (v1.1.1) [Management tool for Bosch ME7.x firmwares]
Inspiration from Andy Whittaker's tools and information.
Written by 360trev and nyet [BSD License Open Source].

Attempting to open firmware file '4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin'

Step #1: Reading ROM info ..
 Searching for EPK signature...OK
 Searching for ECUID table...OK
 EPK         : '40/1/ME7.5/3/4016.31//24G/Dst04o/080802//'
 Part Number : '4B0906018DH '
 Engine ID   : '1.8L R4/5VT    '
 SW Version  : '0004'
 HW Number   : '0261207928'
 SW Number   : '1037366497'

Step #2: Reading ROMSYS ..
 Startup section: word[0x008000]+word[0x00FFFE]
 @08038 Add=0x0000A777 CalcAdd=0x0000A777  ADD OK
 All param page: word[0x010000]+word[0x01FFFE]
 @01d0d4 Add=0x00971D CalcAdd=0x00971D  ADD OK

Step #3: Finding CRC table(s) ..
 Searching for CRC table(s)...OK
 CRC table(s) OK

Step #4: Reading Main Data CRC/Checksums ..
 Searching for main data CRC pre block...missing
 Searching for main data CRC/csum blocks...OK
 Searching for main data CRC offsets...missing
 Searching for main data checksum offsets...OK
 Main Checksums:
 1) 0x010002-0x013FFE CalcCSM: 00141F42
 2) 0x014252-0x017F4E CalcCSM: 0026B4FB
 3) 0x018192-0x01FBDC CalcCSM: 0045248D
 4) 0x026A00-0x02FFFC CalcCSM: 00A09450
 @9fd64 CSM: 00A08FBE CalcCSM: 00A09450 ** FIXED **

Step #5: ROMSYS Program Pages
 Program pages: 8k page first+last in 0x0000-0xFFFF and 0x20000-0xFFFFF
 @00803c Add=0x9F2FF0 CalcAdd=0x9F2FF0  ADD OK

Step #6: Reading RSA signatures ..
 Searching for RSA offset #0...OK
 Searching for RSA offset #1...OK
         Signature: @9f51e-9f59e
           Modulus: @17360-173e0
          Exponent: @173e0 = 3
 Searching for MD5 ranges...OK
 MD5 Block Offset Table @1733c [32 bytes]:
 1) 0x00010002-0x00013FFE
 2) 0x00014252-0x00017F4E
 3) 0x00018192-0x0001FBDC
 4) 0x00026A00-0x0002FFFC
 EncrMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49
 CalcMD5: 9a b8 7a 09 bc ee 3c b5 9f 60 2e d5 26 82 7c 49

Step #7: Reading Main Program Checksums ..
 Searching for main program checksum..OK
 ROM Checksum Block Offset Table @29794 [16 bytes]:
 1) 0x000000-0x00FBFF CalcChk: 4705B7B4
    0x00FC00-0x01FFFF CalcChk: 212AF209 CalcCRC: 79B0E051 SKIPPED
 2) 0x020000-0x0FFFFF CalcChk: DB0D2705
 @fffe0 Chk: DB0D2705 CalcChk: DB0D2705 OK (i)

Step #8: Reading Multipoint Checksum Blocks ..
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #1...missing
 Searching for multipoint block descriptor #2...OK
 1) <1fbde>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 2) <1fbee>  0x004000-0x007FFF Chk: 1077FB35 Boot: (whitelisted) OK
 3) <1fbfe>  0x000000-0x003FFF Chk: 0E59D5C8 CalcChk: 0E59D5C8 OK
64) <1ffce>  0x0F4000-0x0F7FFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
65) <1ffde>  0x0F8000-0x0FBFFF Chk: 1FFFE000 CalcChk: 1FFFE000 OK
66) <1ffee>  0x0FC000-0x0FFFFF Chk: 1FFDE002 CalcChk: 1FFDE002 OK
 Multipoint #2: [66 blocks x <16> = 1056 bytes]

Step #9: Looking for rechecks ..

*** Found 70 checksums in 4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin

Attempting to output corrected firmware file 'fix.bin'
þ Opening 'fix.bin' file for writing
þ Writing to file
þ Validating size correct 1048576=1048576
þ All OK, closing file

*** DONE! 1/1 error(s) in 4B0906018DH 0004 burnout 1.8 turbo - TUNED.bin corrected in fix.bin! ***

$ ME7Check fix.bin
ME7Check v1.12 (c) mki, 06/2004-05/2012
Checking file fix.bin (size=1048576)
Reading Version Strings...
-> Bootrom Version = 06.02
-> EPK = 40/1/ME7.5/3/4016.31//24G/Dst04o/080802//
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - '0261207928'         (SSECUHN)
   - '1037366497'         (SSECUSN)
   - '4B0906018DH '       (VAG part number)
   - '0004'               (VAG sw number)
   - '1.8L R4/5VT    '    (engine id)
-> Contents of ECUID data table:
   - 'HW_MAN004'

-> No errors found. File is OK.   *********************

$ md5sum fix.bin
9faf63f0e3996badfe97ca2b2c2cd814  fix.bin

I can't find anything wrong, though this is with the macos bin and the linux bin. Perhaps there is a bug in the windows build. Will check tomorrow
« Last Edit: August 05, 2021, 11:17:50 PM by nyet » Logged

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

Do not PM me technical questions! Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your ex
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