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Author Topic: MKIV Jetta/Golf: Instrument Cluster/Immobilizer/MFA/FIS/SKC INFO  (Read 31679 times)
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« on: February 13, 2013, 12:26:57 PM »

A fantastic compilation of Golf/Jetta IV cluster id/swap information at uk-mkivs, and more at the car lounge, including p/n breakdown
Quote from: Nihilator
...Each different instrument cluster has a part number. The part number indicates, to a certain extent, what functions and options came with the cluster, but there’s no direct translation. For example, the instrument cluster in my car is a 1J0 920 926 F. Here’s how that breaks down:

1J# ### ### # : The first two digits of any part number usually indicate the platform. In this case, 1J is the MKIV platform. For comparison, 3B is the B5/.5 Passat platform, and 1C is the New Beetle platform. Some part numbers are interchangeable between platforms…instrument clusters are not.

##0 ### ### #: The third digit might be thought of as an “edition” indicator. For Golf / Jetta clusters, there are only three choices: 0, 5, and 6. For the most part, 0 and 6 indicate a “regular” edition, and 5 indicates a “sport” edition. Sport edition clusters are found in a variety of models and typically have silver trim rings, silver-ringed faces with a smaller, rounder font, and different (nicer) needles. The one exception is the R32 cluster, which has silver rings and nicer needles with silver buttons, but is still a “standard” edition.

### 9## ### #: The fourth digit is always a 9, and simply indicates that the instrument cluster is part of the electrical parts catalogue.

### #20 ### #: The fifth and sixth digits indicate a subgroup of the parts catalogue. In the case of instrument clusters, there are only two subgroups: 19 and 20. An instrument cluster in the 19 subgroup is from early in the MKIV production run and is associated with NOT having CAN-bus. The 20 subgroup is associated with clusters having a CAN-bus. Non-CAN-bus clusters will not work in CAN-bus cars, and vice versa.

### ### 9## #: The seventh digit is either 8 or 9. An 8 indicates the cluster has scales for the canadian or european market, where the speedometer face has kph units and, for most years, the speedometer scale is non-linear. A 9 indicates that the cluster is meant for the American market, with linear scales in mph.

### ### #2# #: Here’s where things get dicey. For 1999.5’s non-CAN-bus clusters, the eighth digit is somewhat inconsistent, so I’m just going to ignore that small subset. For CAN-bus clusters, the numbering system is more consistent. There are three possible digits: 0, 2, and 4. A “0” indicates no MFA or FIS screen. A “2” indicates the smaller (half-height) MFA screen. And a “4” indicates the larger (full-height) FIS screen. In north america, the ONLY cars that came with the FIS screen either as an option or standard were the W8 Passats. (Well, the Touaregs and Phaetons, too, but they’re not really part of this discussion.) FIS screens were much more prevalent (although still somewhat uncommon) in europe, where they came as “highline” options on Golfs, GTIs, R32s, Boras, and Passats, as well as a number of other lines. This is where almost all of the FIS screens you see in north american cars originated. It is possible to use a W8 Passat instrument cluster in a Golf or Jetta, but it requires some excelsior soldering skills and the ability to write Golf / Jetta firmware to the cluster.

### ### ##6 #: The ninth digit, in CAN-bus clusters, generally indicates a major revision. For the most part, it’s an indicator of immobilizer generation. In north america, there are only four possibilites: 0, 5, 6, and 7. A zero or a 5 indicates an IMMO-II cluster. A 6 or 7 indicates an IMMO-III cluster.

### ### ### F: The last digit, almost always present in north american cluster part numbers, and always a letter, usually indicates a specific combination of engine and transmission that the cluster was originally intended to work with. For example, “K” indicates a gasoline engine and a 4-speed automatic transmission. My “F” indicates that the cluster was originally intended as a part for a 177hp VR6. (Because the software and the soft coding allow some flexibility, it can be used in nearly any engine and transmission combination, including my 5-speed manual 1.8t.) The lettering is not consistent year after year, though. Later in the production cycle, “F” indicated a diesel engine, as well.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 12:47:54 PM by nyet » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 07:36:03 AM »

" tiny micros' " Jetta wiki has some great links for cluster swap info.

old_No7 of UK-mkiv', has some simple but thorough posts that really helped my understanding of how the cluster and ecu communicate.

Cluster coding - immo2 to immo3 upgrade

A Really well explained Immo III cluster adaptation procedure

Quote from: old_No7
MK4 Cluster Harness GREEN

1 - Open
2 - Reader coil for immobilizer 1
3 - Indicator lamp for parking light*
4 - CAN Data Bus, shielded input
5 - W-wire*
6 - Indicator lamp for low windshield washer fluid
7 - Brake pad wear indicator
8 - 9 - Open
10 - Low fuel level warning
11 - Signal for vehicle stationary*
12 - A/C clutch cut-off - Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) signal
13 - Warning lamp for dual circuit brake system and handbrake
14 - ASR/ESP Indicator lamp (traction control)*
15 - 16 - Open
17 - Reading coil for immobilizer 2
* Where applicable
18 - Oil level thermal sensor*
19 - Interface - CAN Data Hi-Bus
20 - Interface - CAN Data Lo-Bus
21 - Open
22 - Hood alarm switch*
23 - Multi Function Trip Computer (MFI) - top row (forwards)
24 - MFI - bottom row (backwards)
25 - MFI - memory switch: reset
26 - MFI - ambient temperature display
27 - On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Interface - CAN Data Hi-Bus
27 - On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Interface - CAN Data Lo-Bus
29 - 32 - Open


MK4 Cluster harness BLUE

1 - Terminal 15 - positive (ignition on)
2 - Indicator lamp for turn signal, right
3 - Output signal 1 from electronic speedometer
4 - Open
5 - Fuel gauge
6 - Airbag Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
7 - Terminal 31 - sensor/sender Ground (GND)
8 - Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) gauge
9 - Terminal 31 - Ground (GND)
10 - Oil pressure warning lamp................................................
11 - Open
12 - Terminal 61 - warning lamp for Generator (GEN),
13 - 15 - Open
16 - Warning lamp for rear hatch/trunk lid open
17 - Terminal 56a - indicator lamp for high beam headlight
18 - Indicator lamp for turn signal, left
19 - Warning lamp for Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)
20 - Terminal 58b - instrument cluster illumination
21 - Driver's door open warning buzzer 1
22 - Warning lamp for low Engine Coolant Level (ECL)
23 - Terminal 30 - positive (B+)
24 - Terminal 31 - Ground (GND)
25 - Data Link Connector (DLC) K-wire
26 - Parking lights, right (signal for "lights on" warning buzzer)
27 - Parking lights, left, (signal for "lights on" warning buzzer)
28 - Input signal - Speedometer Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
29 - Brake fluid level warning lamp
30 - Terminal 86s - Ignition key warning buzzer
31 - Seat belt warning lamp/buzzer
32 - Open
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 03:49:40 PM by cyril279 » Logged
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