I know there are several threads about specific injectors and their specs and general advice around KRKTE, TVUB, FKKVS. However, I'd like to start a thread that was for logging and fine tuning injectors that you might not have the specs for and could be used for fine tuning injector that don't seem to behave correct when their specs are used.
I'd like to discuss what to log, how to look at the data, and how to interpret the data then apply changes needed gathered for data.
Start with a estimated KRKTE - >
KRKTE Cheat - Dial in those injectors faster!Turn off multiplicative and additive adaptive correction -> set NOLRA 0 and 1 bits = 1
the log rl_w, ti, rpm, frm_w (or fr_w?), mshfm_w, uhfm_w
This is how I look at data:
02 reg vs ti
02 reg vs rpm
then view avg by FKKVS nodes
There's where my knowledge/experience ends. So how else should we log, then look at data? And then how should we interpret data (start with example above) to extract changes we need to make?