FT232 KKL cables happily do 187500 baud and even more. BTDT.
Never tried, even 125kbaud is blazingly fast enough.
If you're patching the code, as I said, just patch in your own protocol instead of the mcmess.
That can be done fully automated too, and you are free of all restrictions.
Sure, thinking of replacing the mc mess ;-)
But i would keep the "infrastructure code" around it as it nicely blends in with kwp2000 and co,
Resets everything correctly after the McMess session is done.
So you can establish a KWP2000 session later and is safe to use in one of the tasks at uses the PECC to transfer the data out so you wont
add silly delays to the existing code which might or might not mess things up if you transfer out a lot of data.
Has a decent enough init with the fast init sequence and so on etc etc.
But really, to tune the car, readMemoryByAddress is enough, it works on all the ECU's and gives enough sample rate (if you don't try to log the world) to fully tune the car...
Sure, would/will be enough, but i also like to poke and play around a bit.
Want to do some more asm modding stuff too like using spare outputs for a shiftlight or water/methanol injection and things like that.
Of course i want to do the SC tune later on but this will most likely happen after the SC has been fitted during the winter months.
Meanwhile i will play with the spare ECU on my bench as i have an old megasquirt stim to supply signals.
Here's Alfa 166 3.2L with SC for example:
All I used was readMemoryByAddress and was able to modify everything that I needed.
Nicely done, was getting about the same power/torque curve albeit a bit lower in total (347PS) on my GTV 3.0.
Did you need to retard ignition ?
Had to do nothing there, as there was no knock and it is still going strong after having covered almost 40000km with ignition on the old ME3.7.1 and fueling on a megasquirt.