Some news, no issue with this car...
I've test many other mod in the file, with stock tabgbts and lambts maxed at 0,77... But same issue, in long pull, when rev go above 6000tr afr drop down to 0,65 then rev stay and don't go up 6200tr...
I've test to decrease kfkhfm above 6000tr but same issue!
Maybe I does reduce krkte? But my long fuel trim is ok +3%
Another thing, for the low maf reading, with log voltage from maf, u max =4,51v. Regardless maf linearisation mlhfm, max maf is 240gr/s. However in the same log ma max is 185gr/s.
What can cause this trouble?
Thank for your help.
4.51V ~ 185g/s :
But your MAF seems to be the issue, it should read more with your actual boost.