if you have bricked ecu, you may search for the full dump, desolder the flash chip, write it, solder it back and get the ecu recovered.
There's an easier way, though. You can just bootmode flash the ECU. No soldering involved - and is just as reliable.
BTW! There is another interesting thing. How have other people on this forum got 32Kb C167 dump file??? I mean how did they force CPU to give his own content..
I haven't tried it with C167, but with ST10 CPU
(which is largely the same - basically, it's the next generation chip) you can connect directly to TX/RX lines of the CPU itself, bootmode it with proper software - and read out the internal ROM. Provided, you know addresses. I used Flashit for ST10, and I guess it -should- work for C167 as well. But then again - it's really not needed for the C167.
EDIT:People are doing it with minimon. Check this thread: