Change the speed to slow.
I will try slow speed DD. A comment about my bench harness: I have not connected pin 121 to +12V, could that generate this kind of issue in that specific ECU?
I need to check it again, but when I try it yesterday, program close inmediately when I select "WRITE" in bootmode. After that program request me "Firmware Update". Every time I restart program it request " Firmware Update". I reset computer and reconnect interface and work again. I test read and was OK again. It took almost 11min for a 1Mb ME7.5 file at medium (default speed), but was done good.
What do you suggest pals? I have using MPPS with antivirus OFF, no internet (just when I use the program) and no other programs. Maybe I will need to cleanup computer, uninstall and reinstall MPPS software, ....... I highly appreciatte your advice.