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Author Topic: another cable question sorry!  (Read 7901 times)

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« on: April 24, 2014, 08:36:19 AM »

I'm trying to get started on nefmoto.  my vcds cable won't work being a serial port one.  I brought a cheap kkl ebay one but looks to be a ch one that doesn't work...

So I've found some more ebay ones can someone glance at them and tell me if I'm looking at the right ones now.  Not so worried if I pay £10 or £30 but I have to wait a week (unusual location) and can't buy locally so I don't want get the wrong one again.  Oh and if it makes a difference I'm on windows xp and wanting to flash a c5 a6.  Many thanks!  Luke
First two were reccomended in a previous thread:

The other ones I found based on seeing bmw inpa format is suitable:

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« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2014, 10:01:58 AM »

Have you got the right drivers installed? have you run the ftdi program M-Prog? that should tell you what the existing kkl cable you have is set up as. Connect > read and parse > should fill the boxes then click the edit button and you can then save as an *.ept file post it up here. It may just need setting up correctly as a ross-tech type cable. After switching back and forth a lot over the last week or two here is my quickfire nefmoto KKL cable guide.

You have to make it from a dumb KKL cable into a ross-tech hex cable using mprog and it has to be the 232R type cable a vagtacho 245R type one never worked for me(chip inside). Once this is done the cable should be a ross-tech hex usb interface > You Then install the RossTech VCDS aadvanced VCP usb drivers > then using device manager > right click the cable > update drivers and let me select a driver > change to the vcds + vcp driver > yes yes whatever windows jfdi > unplug and Replug the cable, > right click > properties and set advanced to use vcp > unplug and replug > serial port should be recognised>if drivers use VCDS again > new serial port  appears > then set the comport between 1+4 > nefmoto > refresh cable> choose RossTech > slow init > flashing > full read from ECU.

Bobs your uncle and here be dragons.

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« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2014, 06:25:59 PM »

I bought a vag com kkl cable on eBay as well but get an error about no echo on cable when I try to connect to argdubs software. I never installed any drives or tried the m-prog tool as listed above.
I just downloaded it and get nothing, communication wise from my cable at all. Guess its a bad cable.
Do you need to configure all cables as per the above before reading and writing to the ecu?
I. A total newb as well. Just learning as I'm doing a 1.8t swap and need to learn this stuff for the Immo, sai, etc..
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« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 08:10:51 PM »

I had the same issue with the kkl cable.  I found the cable must have the FTDI FT232RL chip in it to work. 

Laugh at yourself
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« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 11:42:38 PM »

I never installed any drives or tried the m-prog tool as listed above.

Do you need to configure all cables as per the above before reading and writing to the ecu?

Download and install the ftdi driver pack:

No you don't need to configure all cables as above, my process was 'buy cable off ebay for £7, plug in, install drivers, talk to ecu'. I have one of these

If you haven't seen it already, check out the getting started guide in the noob guides section.
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