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Author Topic: Location of LDRXN on S4 2001.5 2.7T L-Box  (Read 5871 times)

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« on: November 24, 2014, 12:29:16 PM »

I'm trying to make a tune for my 2001.5 S4 with tiptronic and L-Box ECU. I was trying to modify the LDRXN table, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I saw in another post about the 551R box that it has 2 different LDRXN tables, one for auto and one for manual. Is this true for the L-Box (which always has auto trans) also? I'm using an M-box xdf file that only has LDRXN_1_A defined, so I'm assuming I need to edit the LDRXN_0_A table. If this is the case I would like to know the location of the table.

Some background: I'm logging using me7logger and get a max rlmx_w of ~140. rlmax_w never goes above 130, which limits rlsol_w to < 130 also. In s4wiki it says that rlmax is limited by KFTARX, but I have set all values in the range I'm targetting to 1 for all temps, so it shouldn't be that. rlmax_w never seems to budge when modifying LDRXN_1_A, so I'm pretty sure the problem is that I have the wrong table location. I can send my bin file if that would help.

Any help is appreciated as I'm a bit of a noob at this.
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« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2014, 02:47:54 PM »

There is only one Smiley

Read the community thread, post!

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« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2014, 07:17:24 PM »

Good to know, apparently that isn't my problem then. But somehow it appears that rlmax is not following LDRXN at all.

Are you saying I should post this problem on the Community Project: Stage 1 2.7T S4 thread? I read over the whole thread and couldn't find anything relating to my issue. I found the thread pretty convoluted to follow also, but I can try if you think that would be the correct place to start.
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« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2014, 11:17:20 PM »


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« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2014, 01:05:26 PM »

Pretty sure it's not HBN, although I could be missing something. I'm setting LDRXN to be ~160, which as I understand it should not hit HBN. I also tried the NVR Stage 2++ map for KFLDHBN and it still gives the same result. No matter what I do rlmax won't go above ~120.

I'm starting to think maybe it's a problem with a sensor, but it's really weird since the MIL isn't on and a regular OBDII scanner doesn't find any codes. Somehow NefMoto picks up P1548, P1453, P0333, P1131, and P1457, which are relating to EGT and O2 sensors. I deleted and disabled the SAI and disabled the rear O2. I am also running the 2.0T coil packs with the associated tune changes.

Anybody have any ideas? Why would NefMoto pick up DTCs that I can't find with other readers?
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« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2014, 01:08:27 PM »

Post logs please...

including ldrlms_w and ldrlts_w

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« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2014, 01:34:32 PM »

OK, here is a log from ME7Logger including those variables. You can see rlmx going above 160 but rlmax stays at < 120.

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« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2014, 01:37:34 PM »

Oops, forgot to attach the file. Here it is.
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« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2014, 10:25:11 PM »

Looks like req load is following ldrlms (from LDPBN), which means B_brlmx is set...

I'd get VCDS and do a proper scan for codes.

From the FR:

Mittels der Systemkonstanten SY_TFMO, SY_GGGTS werden die ¨Oltemperatur (toel) bzw. die K¨uhlwassertemperatur vom Kombiinstrument
(tmki) ¨uber Sensoren eingelesen, deren Signal in %GGTOL bzw. %GGGTS ausgewertet wird. Stehen die entsrechenden Gr¨oßen am CAN
zur verf¨ugung (tolc bzw. tmkic) wird auf die CAN-Gr¨oßen, bzw. im Fehlerfall auf Ersatzwerte umgeschaltet.
Im Falle eines erkannter Systemfehlers tritt eine zus¨atzliche n-abh¨angige (Druck-) Begrenzung (LDPBN) in Kraft, die analog zur
H¨ohenbegrenzung auf F¨ullungsebene umgerechnet wird. Das Zur¨uckschalten erfolgt nur bei resetiertem Ausl¨osefehler und Leerlaufbetrieb

Looks like if the instrument cluster detects an error in coolant or oil temps, B_brlmx is set.

Don't bother doing any further tuning until you get rid of ALL your codes. Period. You're asking for trouble if you are doing this w/o VCDS...
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 10:33:01 PM by nyet » Logged

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