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Author Topic: I am losing O2 correction please help..!  (Read 14638 times)
Hero Member

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« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2015, 11:00:01 AM »

I am pretty sure. Even I can not read it good. It is super lean 12.6-12.8afr..I will try to download me7logger on other laptop.. But is there any overboost /overload enrich?

It is trying to enrich because you are super lean. And it is failing.

STOP what you are doing, you're going to break something.

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« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2015, 11:11:46 AM »

It is trying to enrich because you are super lean. And it is failing.

STOP what you are doing, you're going to break something.
thanks for the answers but why it thinks it is super lean when on 3500rpm it has about 0.828 actual lambda and correcting it and when it hits over 191% it tries to enrich it which actually leaning me out.calculated egts are about 700celcius..i have notice it is always stop lambda correction after 191% calculated load.does this make sense?all the other time i have ok fuel trims and lambda correction..
Hero Member

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« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2015, 11:14:04 AM »

when it hits over 191% it tries to enrich it which actually leaning me out

What makes you think that the cause of it going lean is enrichment?

Have you logged injector duty cycle?

Stop screwing around. Above all, stop taking useless VCDS logs, you're just going to break something.

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« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2015, 11:25:55 AM »

I use Bosch 630cc and has at most 12ms at 3800rpm which is about 40% I think. I spray methanol after thesevlogs to make real Afr go down for better. The only same issue in my logs is 191.7% load but it must be just a consequence
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 11:32:24 AM by Alexecu » Logged
Hero Member

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« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2015, 11:31:08 AM »

Willing to bet your injectors are wide open when you are lean and the correction goes to 25%+

Guess what that means...

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« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2015, 11:46:22 AM »

the problem is that when i hit that load it stops calulating lambda and goes 0.750 and i have seen it  about -14% before it stop taking care of is easy to see it in that log. there is 0.828 actual,0.828specifiedlambda 10.23ms,3280rpm,610celcius. 14.1 correction lambda,O2-Reg.ON and after that it goes
0.750actual,0.797specified 11.13ms,3440rpm,615celsius.0.8 correction freeze,O2-Reg.OFF..i hope i had my injector maxed out but isn't these things strange..??

Hero Member

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« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2015, 01:30:50 PM »

If you log with ME7Logger, I will help you. If you don't, nyet will yell at you.

Which would you prefer?

Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your experience!

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« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2015, 01:36:16 PM »

If you log with ME7Logger, I will help you. If you don't, nyet will yell at you.

Which would you prefer?

I will try to make a log with me7 logger tomorrow. I will borrow one other laptop.. Please one answer only. I have tuned via kflbts and it is Max 179.30 % (with 0.797afr) . That's where after that I lose my correction. After this it goes to 190%+++.. Are they familiar between them.?
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